chatlogs, reactions and comments |
Second Chatlog : (log
by Simon Says, oct. 8, around 2:00 am CET)
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the largest
personal world on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects to build
with and 80 avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
Horta: hey buddy
Spike: How have you been
goke: use to be canada goose huh
Horta: and babes.....
joao eli: hi
"RedLobster": look i'm gay
Horta: hi goke
Spike: Hi Joao
Spike: You to red
Angel24: hi joao
Spike: lol
Simon Says: Back :))
"Orac": nice dance
goke: hi joao
"RedLobster": thanks : )
joao eli: Eu sou brasileiro,I am brazilian
Spike: WB simon
goke: hi simon says
Angel24: lol@spike
ny giants: wb simon says
"marko": stay away from me red, I don't like
seafood anymoure
"Orac": i am a girl
Very Naughty MG: hy sweetie *hugs*
Very Naughty MG: oops...hi
"Tobias": I'm back
Simon Says: thx spike :)), goke :) vnmg :)) ny
"RedLobster": how do i change faces ?
Spike: WB Tobias
ny giants: hi very naughty mg :-)
Angel24: wb tobias
Simon Says: *hugs* verrrrry :))
joao eli: You speak portuguse
Horta: has anyone seen mingua? or Mr.wyz?
or merlin?
goke: no
"Tobias": Thanks Spike and Angel =)
"Orac": RED- SEE teleport at the very top?
goke: try brazil
Angel24: :)
Very Naughty MG: hehehe
"RedLobster": yep
joao eli: ok
Very Naughty MG: right back at ya :o)
Simon Says: hehehehe
"Orac": go to it then go to TO
"RedLobster": ok
joao eli: dont't speak
"RedLobster": there is no to
Angel24: bye to do some
back later
"Orac": for coor. type 250n 45e
goke: byue angel
joao eli: so long
Very Naughty MG: need coffee...brb
Simon Says: how friendly is america?
"Orac": then enter
68impala: bye Angel...
"marko": bye angel
Simon Says: k,luv :))
"Tobias": Bye Angel!
"RedLobster": where do i type it ?
Very Naughty MG: ohh...better than ever!!!!!!!!
Spike: Bye Angel
joao eli: I am brazilian
goke: very friendly :)
Very Naughty MG: brb
Spike: Hugs bye bye
"RedLobster": i have to go soon .. it's studytime
here in boarding school
hi nice guys
"RedLobster": and if i get caught .. i loose
my computer
"Tobias": Hi ddk
Simon Says: til now i have to believe it.....
"ddk": hello tobias
"SunGoddess": hello everyone
"Orac": humm
Horta: goke or lady??
"Tobias": Hi SunGoddess
goke: yes?
goke: hi sungoddess
MICHELLE: br gotta fix supper..
joao eli: Eu sou basileiro
Spike: Hi Sun goddess
goke: ok michelle
Horta: do you know mr wyz, mingua or merlin?
"RedLobster": ok did it
"Orac": hit alt-T
"Orac": then you should see TO on the list
"SunGoddess": hmm...AW is kind of
Spike: What are we having Michelle
goke: I havent seen mr wyz in a long timeI have
merlin on icq
Horta: could you please pass on my hello to him
next time you icq?
"RedLobster": ok eneter coor
"Orac": do you see it
joao eli: Brazil
"RedLobster": entered
goke: ok :)
"RedLobster": yep
ny giants: ill be back in a bit
"RedLobster": nothing happened
ny giants: have to check something
goke: ok ny
"Tobias": Bye ny I'll be gone then
Horta: i recently passed through Oklahoma and
thought of his poetry!!! :-)
"Orac": it didnt take you to other place
Simon Says: check away ny g ......
joao eli: eu sou brasileiro
goke: who's poetry?
"RedLobster": nope ^_^
"Tobias": Bye everyone =0)
Horta: goke - horta says hi
Horta: you from CA??
Simon Says: dancing
Very Naughty MG: that
goke: yeah...ok
"RedLobster": i guess it's because i didn't register
"Tobias": C ya all later
"RedLobster": could it be ?
Simon Says: wb, dear :))
goke: bye tobias
Very Naughty MG: *smooch*
"Tobias": Bye goke
Horta: bye
goke: what do you need red lobster?
"RedLobster": bye tobias
"RedLobster": Orac where are you ?
Spike: Bye Tobias take caer eh
"capt kangeroo": hello everyone
Simon Says: thought it was a pk or ca war out
goke: hi capt
Spike: Hi Capt,
"capt kangeroo": :-)
goke: over here red lobster
"marko": hello capt
goke: wrong way lol
Coryashire: hello aldy moonstar
Coryashire: hammer
"capt kangeroo": what muhahahahahahaha?
Coryashire: ginic
Very Naughty MG: u liked the log?
Spike: bbl
joao eli: I am brazilian don't speak english
Simon Says: great log...... lol...... what a
goke: k spike
Coryashire: is there a ps here
Coryashire: ginric
Very Naughty MG: I asked him to explain and he
ejected me
"marko": how are you 68?
Coryashire: is there a ps here?
Very Naughty MG: isn't that just
"marko": did you fall into a tarpit ?
Simon Says: childish.......
"Orac": hi i got cut off
"RedLobster": hi
goke: yes cory what do you need?
"RedLobster": np
Coryashire: you are a ps? where si your bold
"marko": hey cory
"Orac": go back to TO and type in 300n 45e
"Orac": ok
"MONICA LEWINSKY": bill where are you?
goke: it is here
"marko": lol
Coryashire: there si a perosn who wotn leave
me aloen and has been hurrasign me for a logn time
Coryashire: can you talk to him
"RedLobster": where to now ?
"Orac": hi Monic its me Ken Starr
"marko": hi monica
Simon Says: wonder what selection criteria for
pk's are....;lol
"RedLobster": i want monica
"MONICA LEWINSKY": hi ken come over here
"RedLobster": she's hot
Coryashire: i am nto expecting you to eject him
but just liek talk to him
"Orac": type 300n 40e
"RedLobster": over here
JON 6: can i please build in your mall
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from
this world
Immigration Officer: Welcome to ATLANTIS, a public
building world, Simon Says
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the
largest personal world on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects
to build with and 80 avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from
this world
Immigration Officer: Welcome to ATLANTIS, a public
building world, Simon Says
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the
largest personal world on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects
to build with and 80 avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from
this world
Immigration Officer: Welcome to ATLANTIS, a public
building world, Simon Says
(end of extract)
Clear what happened, not?
Third Chatlog
: (log by Simon Says, oct. 8, around 3:00 am CET)
Simon Says