chatlogs, reactions and comments |
Third Chatlog : (log
by Simon Says, oct. 8, around 3:00 am CET)
Serendipitous: Simon...I have to pop over to America
and *observe* Myserterious starting a war :)))
Serendipitous: LOLLLLL....nawwww.....if I go...I'll
pay myself :))))
Simon Says: no she isn' the next issue
of AWWos...
Serendipitous: the area we are moving to has
the *highest* housing prices in Canada
Simon Says: the AC or AB in America are kids
Serendipitous: really?
Simon Says: was ejected yesterday...for asking
what were the criteria to select pk's over there....
Serendipitous: well apparentally NYGiants and
Lady Moonstar are giving her a hard time...they aren't kids...I've met
Serendipitous: they also are the only people
who *complained* about The REunion in Las Vegas
Serendipitous: come to America with Simon.....
Serendipitous: poooooof
Simon Says: ok :))
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the
largest personal world on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects
to build with and 80 avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
"NYCPrince": like in the tri state area
"Mulder": DARLA?!
"NYCPrince": where you from ?
Serendipitous: what are the tri states again?
"NYCPrince": ny, nj and conn
"Mulder": bye
"NYCPrince": u there ?
"Bikerman": hi all...
"Mr Poopy Pants": tri states? like bi states?
Simon Says: hi good ppl of america....wanna hi
you all before getting
"Mr Poopy Pants": i like a good ejection
Serendipitous: MG?
Serendipitous: Simon?
"Mr Poopy Pants": i usually wake up with one
in the morning.
Simon Says: serendip :))
Serendipitous: I'm not bi.....I'm straight les
Very Naughty MG: isn't it a beautiful morning?????
Very Naughty MG: TC!!!!!!!!!!
Very Naughty MG: Simon..babe :o)
Serendipitous: (nothing I say is please
humour me)
Simon Says: VNMG:)) *hugs*
"Bikerman": were is my bike............
Serendipitous: it's a lovely morning
you know my good friend Mr. Poopy Pants? and the dear sweet Simon!!!!
Serendipitous: or are we sharing *him* too?
Serendipitous: isn't group cs wonderful?
Very Naughty MG: Yo Poppy :o)
"Mr Poopy Pants": wow, my pants are tight
Serendipitous: I thought that bulge looked a
bit conspicuous Poopy
Simon Says: who's gonna share me? :)) lol
"Mr Poopy Pants": hi naught
Serendipitous: which end you want MG?
Very Naughty MG: me MG :o))
"Mr Poopy Pants": ok, mg
Very Naughty MG: :o)
"Mr Poopy Pants": call me ben
Serendipitous: ben poopying your pants?
"Mr Poopy Pants": ben dovre
Serendipitous: is there no *law* in these parts?
Simon Says: it's quiet here.....quiet before
Very Naughty MG: ben.......?????????
Serendipitous: and do what?
Very Naughty MG: Benjamin ???
Serendipitous: can they eject simultaneously
in here?
"Darla": mulder?
Serendipitous: not Benjamin...that's your son
right MG?
Very Naughty MG: hehehehe
Serendipitous: Darla...can't you keep hold of
that man?
Very Naughty MG: Bend Over :o)
"Mr Poopy Pants": ok
Serendipitous: tie him...whip him...chain him
to the um...wellll whatever :))))
"Mr Poopy Pants": lemme turn around first
"Darla": i got cut offt the damned internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Serendipitous: where are the tyrants..
Serendipitous: oops..I mean the operators of
this fine world?
"Darla": this happens a lot
"Darla": and I don't need you messing it up more!!!!!1
Simon Says: i wonder if i said something on selection
Serendipitous: sounds like you need a new dial
up Darla
Serendipitous: selection criteria? hmmmmmm
Very Naughty MG: what did we get to yesterday
before we got ejected??????
"Darla": it's not really the dialup, just active
"Bikerman": hi...wana ride baby...*s*
Very Naughty MG: let me see.....oh...the PK selection
Serendipitous: what are you talking about Darla?
Immigration Officer: AMLET would like to join
you. Type 'y' to accept this request, or 'n' to reject it.
"Darla": but is mulder here?
Serendipitous: I don't know...I don't actually
care....look after your own avatars Darlo dearest
"Darla": and i mean all of a sudden the program
goes weird
"Darla": i can't type
"Darla": or everything goes blank
Simon Says: y
Serendipitous: sounds like you don't have sufficient
memory to me
Serendipitous: or something like that....what
speed and amount of Ram you running Darla?
"Darla": don't know
Serendipitous: (like I know anything about it)
"Mr Poopy Pants": not enough mammaries, yes,
thats it
"Darla": never happened before
Very Naughty MG: OK...Simon.....what will we
put in the AWWoS?
Serendipitous: I have BIG MAMMARIES
"Darla": and don't know
Immigration Officer: AMLET would like to join
you. Type 'y' to accept this request, or 'n' to reject it.
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by
Serendipitous: well.....can't help then
"Darla": the computer has a 6 gig hardrive-tyhat's
pretty big
Simon Says: AWWoS will bring a piece on guard
dogs getting
Very Naughty MG: ROFLMAO
Very Naughty MG: are cute...sweetie
"Darla": hello?
"Mr Poopy Pants": is there no law in this place???
Very Naughty MG: there is plenty law...that is
the problem!
Very Naughty MG: they just have a problem figuring
out for what reason to eject people
Serendipitous: well sure...but that's not the
only thing you need
Simon Says: reasons
Serendipitous: damn
Serendipitous: must be lunch break
Simon Says: hi amlet :))
"Mr Poopy Pants": mg just left
"Mr Poopy Pants": that was odd
Serendipitous: hmmmmm...she's teleing me brb
"Mr Poopy Pants": must me server problems
Serendipitous: Telegram from Very Naughty MG,
sent just now:
I was ejected
"Mr Poopy Pants": what is an ejection?
"Mr Poopy Pants": i think i missed that day at
Serendipitous: I mean ejaculation
Serendipitous: why was she ejected?
Serendipitous: what did she do?
Simon Says: lol, serendip.....
Serendipitous: I was here the whole time
Simon Says: i wonder who's the pk or ab or ac
here? :)
"Mr Poopy Pants": do people just wander around
in here pooping on other people?
"Darla": im back woopee evryone rejoice
Simon Says: it's very quiet on gz here......:(
"Darla": don't comment
Simon Says: *wondering why serendip and mG got
Simon Says: guess this world isn't open minded......
Simon Says: ah...the rules to be ejected......let's
read them
Simon Says: vulgr activity, vulgar name, cursing.....
Simon Says: what did MG of this to get ejected?
Simon Says: well, apparently no one wants to
answer me...... will be great coverage in AWWoS :))
"Bugs": hello
why are you flying?
"blarg": :waves
Butterfly Love: hello everyone
Simon Says: i'd like to give a chance to the
pk's or ac's of america to react on this :))
Angel24: hi all
Butterfly Love: hi simon
Simon Says: angel, butterfly :))
Angel24: ((((alice)))))
Angel24: hi simon
Butterfly Love: hi angel
"Alice": Hi angel24
Serendipitous: ok Simon...speak on
"Twiner": simon says what
Angel24: hi butterfly
Simon Says: serendi p :))
"Twiner": what a joke
Butterfly Love: hi Serendi
"Twiner": this aint america
Serendipitous: this world has about as much respect
for the rights of an indivudual as America
Kurtz: Hmmm... *waves*
Butterfly Love: this is indeed america
Butterfly Love: HI KURTZ love
Angel24: it sure is..america
Butterfly Love: =o)
"Twiner": ooh i get it
Kurtz: Hey, BL... *S*
Butterfly Love: how are ya?
"Alice": bye all
Butterfly Love: bye alice
"Twiner": its not america where i live
Simon Says: well, i think their respect for righs
is just talk....... if difficult questions are asked...(not even that dificult)
Kurtz: *S*
Angel24: bye alice
"Twiner": only because i live in hte boonies
Serendipitous: it's a darn shame.....almost like
a communist country....
Kurtz: brb...
Butterfly Love: k kurtz
"Alice": Hi angel
Simon Says: yep..... but the system presents
itself all surface
"Twiner": not in my opinion
"Twiner": its a sue happy contry thou
Kurtz: back...
Butterfly Love: WB
"Darla": hello!
"Bugs": B do you have ICQ?
Serendipitous:'re saving the chat
log to be sent to Gineric right?
Kurtz: So, what's all this, now? Another
supression of the America gz?
Butterfly Love: LOL
Butterfly Love: yeah they were in here today
having a good time
Simon Says: not only that....i'll publish it
too :))
"Darla": anyone want to chat?
"Twiner": Navajo pots
"Panda bear": hi
Kurtz: Hmmm... Seems to be a rash of that about....
"Twiner": aufly big tho
"Panda bear": hi ss
Kurtz: Big pots?
"Panda bear": hi bl
Simon Says: panda :))
Kurtz: pandster...
"Panda bear": yes
Butterfly Love: hi panda
"Bugs": Blarg?
"Twiner": Oh say can you seeeeeeeee... (high
pitched and very off tone)
"Twiner": hmmm i think ill stop now
"Panda bear": it is Angel bear
Kurtz: *Blarging* in public isn't polite....
Butterfly Love: lol
"Darla": Okay, person in front of me, who are
"Bugs": lol
Kurtz: ...but understandable after a heavy meal...
Butterfly Love: wow this is the busiest I ahve
seen this in AGES
Simon Says: this could be a great VR world to
be a sheep in..... but a question on the selection criteria makes the pk's
in here mad....
"Panda bear": brb
Kurtz: Lotsa touristas....
Serendipitous: not is ejaculating...I got ejected
in here for saying that word.....strange
"Darla": figures
Butterfly Love: really?
Butterfly Love: must depend on who the PS is.....
Kurtz: Hmmm... You got tossed for ejaculating
here? Hmmm.... Well....
Simon Says: serendip..... that word could be
considered as vulgar...but ...there could be warning first....
"Panda bear": ss do you have a bot?
"Darla": i've met some okay pk here
Butterfly Love: depends on the PS..... some don't
even tolerate it used once
Kurtz: Hmm..
"Twiner": simon SAYS "WAVE"
Butterfly Love: simon did not say that
"Twiner": god
Butterfly Love: god did not either
Simon Says: lol, butterfly :)
"Darla": i'm going to scream
Kurtz: Well, Kurtz must roll out... You
take care, BL... *smirk* Ya hear?
Butterfly Love: then scream
"Darla": kay
Butterfly Love: bye Kurtz
Butterfly Love: *HUG*
Kurtz: [Kurtz hangs for Darla screaming...]
Butterfly Love: I will miss you
"Darla": what?
Butterfly Love: why you screaming darla?
"Darla": long story
Kurtz: Ah.... Kurtz loves the sound of
touristas imploding in the afternoon...
"Twiner": im gonna be an american by walking
in water
Simon Says: still no ps here to answer my questions....
"Panda bear": lol
"Darla": im just extremely mad
Kurtz: I'm sure one is not far off, SS....
"Darla": whuz your question, ss?
Simon Says: i'd like an interview with a ps....
Serendipitous: I'll answer your questions Simon....SHOOT
(although whoever is doing the ejecting MUST have PS)
Butterfly Love: who is the MISTRO? we need music
"Darla": cam down, geese serend
Kurtz: Well, Take Two... Sayonara for now...
Remember: It takes a whole village to carry an DoJ indictment against
Microsoft.... *smirk*
"Angel bear": bye
Butterfly Love: haha Kurtz
Butterfly Love: bye
Simon Says: ok, serendip.... can you tell me
what criteria for ejection are here in America? :)
"blarg": Bugs?
Simon Says: kurtz, Very naughty says hi :))
dr gladstone: hello everyone
"Bugs": hi
"blarg": :got lost
"Bugs": where have you been?
"Bugs": lol
"blarg": Accidentally clicked on the train.
Butterfly Love: LOL
"Bugs": Do you have ICQ?
Simon Says: doc glad :))
"Darla": hi newcomers
"Bugs": What train?
"blarg": Not at the moment
"blarg": Follow me
"Darla": the one you ride
Butterfly Love: the train that takes you for
a ride
dr gladstone: hello simon :)
Butterfly Love: hi dr
"blarg": How big is ICQ?
"Darla": i just walked on the tracks whoohoo
"Darla": kay, gonna scream again!
"Bugs": million people
Simon Says: hard to get answers in america...i
guess there's a press blackout?
"Darla": much better
"Bugs": 20 million
dr gladstone: hello butterfly love ... your name
is very...
"HEATHER": hey everyone whats up?
"Bugs": sorry
"blarg": Does it take long to download?
Butterfly Love: thank you
dr gladstone: invocative
"Darla": whuz your questions, ss
Butterfly Love: hi heather
Simon Says: then i'll have to make up the answers
from what i see....
"Bugs": no
"Bugs": I love your name Heather
dr gladstone: hello heather
"blarg": Maybe I'll download it then. :)
"HEATHER": thanx!
Simon Says: darla :)) are you a ps ? don't think
so :))
"blarg": Click the train. :)
"Darla": no
"Bugs": ???
Butterfly Love: are you Simon?
"Darla": but ive been here alot
dr gladstone: squid?
Butterfly Love: and where the hell IS the MUSIC
Serendipitous: ok....I'm leaving the power mongers
lurking to their next victim...see you later Simon...smooooooooooch
Simon Says: am not, butterfly :))
"Darla": and i know a lot of answers
Simon Says: bye serendip :))
Butterfly Love: uh oh
"Darla": try me
"Bugs": ???????
Butterfly Love: I know who is
dr gladstone: darla?
Butterfly Love: bye Seren
"Darla": yeah?
"Bugs": what train?
"blarg": :meants to right click on it that time.
Butterfly Love: MUSIC
Simon Says: doc glad, ps = public speaker :))
Butterfly Love: give me MUSIC
Simon Says: brb
"blarg": I'm standing behind it now
"blarg": Can you see me?
"Darla": yeah?
dr gladstone: why are we born...if only to suffer
and die?
"Darla": oh man
"Bugs": now i see
dr gladstone: yes m'lady
"Darla": are you one of those deep thinker peopless
"Darla": m'lady!!!!!!!!1
"Darla": 68, that you?
"Darla": cause i see a bird and ......
Butterfly Love: 68 give us music please
dr gladstone: perhaps is so m"lady..doth it desturb
Simon Says: back
Butterfly Love: WB
"Darla": not really
Simon Says: thx, butterfly :))
68impala: hi BL :-) hi Darla..
"Darla": kay, ill try this
dr gladstone: tis not a bad thing methinks
Butterfly Love: music and make it good please
"Darla": hi 68
Simon Says: well, 68impala :))
Butterfly Love: birdie over HERE
"Darla": pray, where does thou hail from?
Butterfly Love: change your AV please
Simon Says: finally a ps :))
Angel24: Hi Beautiful
68impala: hi simon...
"Darla": hmm!
dr gladstone: from far off loundenberry
Butterfly Love: lol
Simon Says: 68impala, can i ask a few questions?
"Darla": hi angel
"Darla": from new york
Angel24: hi darla
Simon Says: interview for AWWoS
Butterfly Love: birdie.... will change to a MAN
Mysticism: hello Angel
Angel24: hi myst
68impala: just a minute....k?'
dr gladstone: the big apple...i know it well
Butterfly Love: k
Mysticism: how are you today?
"Darla": im sure
Butterfly Love: hi Mysticism
Angel24: who myst?
Mysticism: you angel
"Yak": Hey Myst. What's up?
Angel24: great thanks and U?
"Darla": hey mist
Mysticism: talked to you last night
Angel24: hi yak
Mysticism: he everyone
Mysticism: hi
dr gladstone: yes darla spent my youth there...came
of age there
Angel24: u did inded...i rememebr
"Darla": kayyyyyy
"Yak": Yo Angel. I have a friend visiting
from Russia, and he says you two are beautiful!
Benjamin Dover: Hello Mystic
Angel24: thanks ..Yak
Butterfly Love: BEN
Mysticism: helo benjamin
"Darla": what is thy age?
Angel24: HI BENDOVER....heheheh
Butterfly Love: HIYA
"Yak": He hasn't quite grasped the concept of
avatars, yet.
dr gladstone: dr off to other worlds
Butterfly Love: see ya dr
Benjamin Dover: hello Angel
Butterfly Love: much better 68 *wink*
"Darla": bye!
Simon Says: *feeling ignored again* the press
is muted here :(
Benjamin Dover: Hello BL
"Darla": get help!
Butterfly Love: uh oh well simon just TALK like
we are
Butterfly Love: *grin*
"Darla": hello little person with a green balloon
68impala: sorry simon..trying to catch up..
Simon Says: i asked my questons a few times already.....
"Darla": has anyone here talked to mulder, thorn,
amx or makaveli lately?
Benjamin Dover: Hello Darla
Butterfly Love: what are they?
"Darla": ever?
"Darla": hi ben
"Darla": max
"Darla": anyone?
"Darla": people
Simon Says: ok, 68......but got some other coverage
to do
"Yak": What's your question, Simon?
Angel24: mulder was here just before.....darla
Simon Says: it's questions for the ps here, yak...are
you a ps?
"Darla": did he say where hwnet?
Angel24: no sorry.darla
"Darla": cause the program forze one me soooo
"Darla": thanx anyway
"Yak": No, not yet. But, it's definately
in my plans of world domination.
Angel24: anytime
Angel24: where r u from Yak?
"Darla": i hate this
"Darla": i meet guys
"Darla": then I have to get off
"Yak": Pittsburgh... originaly an Army brat from
Butterfly Love: and they are always so far AWAY
"Darla": or the program freezes
Angel24: u should get there icqnumber darla
BAJ11: hi everyone im looking for some people
to do some jobs
Simon Says: yak, you'll prolly be an asset for
america one told you the essence of ps yet?
"Darla": and I don't get to tak to them again!
"Darla": i don't have 1cq
BAJ11: hi bl
Butterfly Love: you will someday Darla
Butterfly Love: just come here
Butterfly Love: hi BA
"Darla": im trying
"Yak": Not particularly.... is that some
sort of perfume <g>
BAJ11: long timwe no see
Shady: hi everyone!
Butterfly Love: indeed
Butterfly Love: hi shady
Angel24: download it from the net..darla
"Darla": where can I?
Angel24: hi shady
BAJ11: shady and i are looking for some people
to do some jobs?
Butterfly Love:
"Darla": thanx
Angel24: thanks yak
Simon Says: lol,yak.....
Shady: anyone have ICQ?
Angel24: thanskb'fly
"Yak": ;^/
Butterfly Love: you need work BAJ?
Angel24: yes
Butterfly Love: welcom
"Yak": BAJ?
BAJ11: yea
BAJ11: i have icq
BAJ11: yea?
Butterfly Love: what ya gonna do?
Angel24: whats your number YAK?
"Darla": getting it
"Yak": Just a sec...
Shady: yeah yak
punisher: got iq alright!
BAJ11: well sady could we find the right people
Shady: mine is 2060479
Butterfly Love: wow I never give.........
Butterfly Love: never mind
Charlie: have icq
Simon Says: ok.... since no one answers i'll
get myself to work..... if someone wants to react..... send your e-mails
Butterfly Love: hi charlie
Charlie: hi
Shady: hi charlie
Butterfly Love: hey 68 mycatch22 registered
Charlie: hi
Simon Says: this world will be in the news.......
but maybe not positively......
BAJ11: ok we're looking for someone who knows
what to say as a priest for a wedding and be one, a bestman, flower girls
and lots of people to come!
"Darla": hi charlie
Charlie: (boy am i popular)
Butterfly Love: ask RAZZ
"Darla": where?
Charlie: hi
Butterfly Love: he is a preacher in here
Angel24: hi charlei
Butterfly Love: uh oh slow music..........
Angel24: charlie...sorry
Simon Says: bye for now..... and read about this
in AWWoS :))
Angel24: bye simon
Simon Says: *hoppa*
"Yak": Oops.. no ICQ loaded on this machine...
I'm D/Ling now...
Angel24: thanks yak
"Darla": charlie-;)
Angel24: 14087796
"Yak": ;^/
Matt Delfini: I'm here Char
BAJ11: shady
BAJ11: shady?
Charlie: at 9:47:00
Butterfly Love: hi Matt
Charlie: everybody say hi charlie
Angel24: hi matt
(end of extract)
That was fun. Only no answers.
Fourth Chatlog
: (log by Simon Says, oct. 9, around 11:00 PM CET)
Simon Says