chatlogs, reactions and comments |
First Chatlog : (log
by Simon Says, oct. 8, around 1:30 am CET)
Immigration Officer: Welcome to ATLANTIS, a public building world, Simon
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the largest personal world
on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects to build with and 80
avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
Tom Huxton: hey
BabyGal17: ok i am gonna stay like this
Tom Huxton: great
"dok": thought u were leaving?
Tom Huxton: my favorite
BabyGal17: so u likes tom?
Shilo: I am dok
Tom Huxton: yepper
"marko": wasn't there a sign here yesterday ?
"dok": whats your email?
Emc2u: hi april
"dok": or is that sign??
April: well i think you look perfectly fine baby
Emc2u: me L
Tom Huxton: want to see the cafe on Fantasy Island?
BabyGal17: can i use her at ur house to tom or just here?
BabyGal17: yes
"dok": shes too shi shi
BabyGal17: lets go there
Tom Huxton: She works in Montana
BabyGal17: u go and i'll join
Tom Huxton: count to ten and follow
Shilo: :-)
BabyGal17: ok
"dok": yum
BabyGal17: hi april
April: hi baby have i met you befor?
"dok": ur still here??
BabyGal17: not that i know of this is my third time on aw
"dok": shi?/
Shilo: bye all
April: really well im sorry you must think im so rude welcome to aw
"marko": bye shilo
Lady Moonstar: by shilo hugs:)
Shilo: you all be good .. ok :-)
"dok": take me with you!!
"marko": ok shi :)
"marko": <evil grin>
Shilo: :-)))
April: hi lady i didnt now your on
April: bye shilo hugs******
"dok": I dont eat much
Lady Moonstar: hallo to all:)
Lady Moonstar: hallo april:)
April: lady hello how are you
"marko": don't worry dok, she'll be back one day
Emc2u: hi lady
Lady Moonstar: hallo Em2u:)
Emc2u: sorry i can't talk right now
Lady Moonstar: is all right iam also buisy:)
April: dok did you loze a girl hew belong in you heart?
April: me mastecen)
"marko": dok just wanted some food that's all <evil
April: or true?
Simon Says: free billy, hi ppl of US of A :))
Emc2u: ok will see u all in a few
April: o sorry im just a little weird today i guess
"marko": hello person Simon Says
Simon Says: marko :)) how are you :)
April: hello person
April: marko you said simon said
April: haha get it?
"marko": doing fine thank you
Simon Says: lol april..... :)
Obiwan: my guess is that spike is hereq
"marko": lol
April: lol lol
"marko": why are you all the way there simon ?
Simon Says: cuz i like it here....:)
April: o sorry i didnt now your name was simon says i didnt mean to
make fun of your name?
"marko": I like the fish myself :)
April: well any way i got to go now bye all
Simon Says: no prob april :)
"marko": see you around april :)
Simon Says: bye april :))
Very Naughty MG: hello america
"marko": hello earthlings
Simon Says: hi VNMG :)) *hugs*
Very Naughty MG: *hugs*
Very Naughty MG: wazzup mate?
Simon Says: all is quiet in seems...
Very Naughty MG: I was just reading the sign with rules up there!
Simon Says: RULES? in america?
"marko": there was quite a few people here, a little while ago
Very Naughty MG: It does say anywhere that you are not allowed to have
your own opinion and then you will get ejected.....I might just save that
sign for later
Very Naughty MG: oops...doesn't I mean
Simon Says: opinions are dangerous tho......
"marko": what does MG stand for ?
Very Naughty MG: MIGHTY GOD!
CrazeeGrrl: duz anyone here buildin America!?
Very Naughty MG: why SS?
"marko": very naughty mighty god
"marko": :)
Very Naughty MG: yes!
Simon Says: they shock ppl....... i
Very Naughty MG: why is opinion dangerous?
Very Naughty MG: speech is a persons right
"marko": oh lord save me
Simon Says: opinions make ppl think....that's why...
Very Naughty MG: OHHHH...that is the problem................well, not
enough reason to eject me
CrazeeGrrl: i need to find sumone who has a big house and is a very
good builder
Simon Says: VNMG, you made ppl think?
"marko": why is that CG ?
Very Naughty MG: I guess I did
CrazeeGrrl: cuz i need help
"marko": cool shades
CrazeeGrrl: oo thanx
Simon Says: well, that's reason to be's reason to be
"marko": what are you building ?
Very Naughty MG: but now after I have read the sign...........
CrazeeGrrl: a mansion, or so I hope
Very Naughty MG: WHAT?
CrazeeGrrl: i need sum ideas
"marko": so you need an architect?
Very Naughty MG: I beleive I should have been ejected?
"marko": did you start yet ?
Simon Says: VNMG, thinking ppl are a drag......
CrazeeGrrl: yes
Very Naughty MG: oops...U
CrazeeGrrl: i mean in America, not in real life
"marko": can I see ?
Very Naughty MG: well...abusing your power is another thing
Simon Says: well...... i my humble opinion........ it could be just.....
CrazeeGrrl: yes, well...i dont know the cords
Very Naughty MG: be just what?
Simon Says: power is never abused......
CrazeeGrrl: i have it under REMEMBER
Simon Says: that you were ejected......
"marko": I see...
Obiwan: me too
CrazeeGrrl: i need t go there now, my friend is helping...
Spike: Hi Obi
"marko": alright... next time bring the coords
"marko": :)
Obiwan: bye crazeegrrl
Obiwan: hey spike
Very Naughty MG: yes...power can be abused....of course it can
Simon Says: a lot of pks do......
Very Naughty MG: yes...they do
Obiwan: so you like it then soike?
Obiwan: spike
"marko": oh lord ! tell me why you are upset with the authorities
here ?
Very Naughty MG: brb
Simon Says: are there pk's here?
Simon Says: ok
Obiwan: spike?
Obiwan: you still here?
Spike: Whats up Obi
Obiwan: ok you are
Obiwan: is she comin soon?
Very Naughty MG: I dunno
Spike: sorry Obi got those Message thingys
Obiwan: np
Spike: She usally gets here around 8:00
Obiwan: oh i am early
Very Naughty MG: brb in a flash
Spike: If shes going to be here im not sure yet
Obiwan: ok i didnt get to say goodbye yesterday
Obiwan: she left to fast
Spike: I know shes madd at me again ...
Obiwan: what now??
Spike: Somthing i said and probly shouldent have
Obiwan: well thats true lol
Obiwan: did she say she was mad?
Simon Says: brb
Obiwan: ok SS
Spike: No thats how i know
Obiwan: oh lol i understand that
Obiwan: brb i need a drink
Spike: OK
Spike: Hey MG you still here
Obiwan: back
"marko": she stepped out spike
Spike: WB OBi
Spike: Oh Ok
Obiwan: so whats going to happen now?
Very Naughty MG: YES!
Spike: Thanx Marco
Very Naughty MG: why?
Spike: Your not instegating trouble again are you ....?lol
Very Naughty MG: why do you say that?
"marko": Mighty God, may I inquire about your troubles ?
Very Naughty MG: it doesn't say anywhere that MG is not allowed in
Spike: Because when i got in here it sounded like you were still going
on about what NY did
Very Naughty MG: it is MYSTERIOUS GIRL
Very Naughty MG: not mighty god
Spike: Ha Ha Ha
Very Naughty MG: I NEVER mentioned his just did
Spike: Oh sorry
"marko": ok, mysterious girl
"marko": please disclose the mystery... :)
Obiwan: hmm
Very Naughty MG: well...rules doesn't mention anything about not being
allowed to have your own opinion
Very Naughty MG: DOES IT????????
Obiwan: no comment
"marko": what opinion would that be?
Spike: Thats true Mg but it dosent meen you can instigate trouble
Very Naughty MG: the problem here is................if I give my opinion,
I get ejected......but if a CA gives there opinion, there is not a damn
thing we NORMAL people can do about it
"marko": don't you like trouble? very naughty girl ;)
Spike: After all aw is upose to be one big happy famile
Very Naughty MG: OHHHHHHHH....Gimme a break...Spike
Spike: oops family
Very Naughty MG: give it up...marko
"marko": sorry, just wanted to help...
Very Naughty MG: not much you can do ...really :o)
"marko": When you share a bad feeling, part of it leaves you...
Very Naughty MG: NO...I don't like trouble....but I wanna be able to
have my own opinion and if people ask it....they'll get it....simple
Very Naughty MG: and the thing about people talking about others behind
their back, but not have the guts to tell them to their
is SOOO typical AW!!!!
Very Naughty MG: brb
Very Naughty MG: and can save this log and show i
(end of readable log).
Very Naughty MG was ejected at this point.
The logfile is somehow scrambled. We still have the original file in
our possession. We wonder if someone can make chatlogs non-readable. Maybe
a technical wizard could help us with that.
Second Chatlog
: (log by Simon Says, oct. 8, around 2:00 am CET)
Simon Says