chatlogs, reactions and comments |
Sixth Chatlog : (log
by Very Naughty MG)
* Active Worlds chat session: Thu Oct 15, 1998
13:17 *
Immigration Officer: Welcome to AlphaWorld!
Please do not use any automated building tools (including "robobuilder"
or keyboard macros) in AlphaWorld. Thanks!
red4now: hehehe
neilo: lol
"TRIDENT": not for us guys..
"TRIDENT": =o[
Talian: lol
"TRIDENT": OH..Heloo everyone..*s*
neilo: mabey just more guys filled it out
"Angel bear": hihihihihihhihhihhii
Facter: well, of course
Facter: it's a survey, the results reflect those
that filled it out, nothing more
Lace: brb afk
Facter: =)
Facter: but, 110 people did it. . . which is
a huge cross section. . .
neilo: but how many use it ?
Facter: use what ?
Facter: AW ? only COF knows that
Cass: good evening everyone :)
Lace: b
Facter: but, that doesnt make any difference.
. .all surveys are merely a cross section of people. . .
Talian: Þ
Clee: wb Lace
Lace: *smiles Þ Þ
red4now: :Þ
Facter: take the info as it comes, it's not necessarily
totally accurate, only an indication of trend
Facter: =)
neilo: well if 110,000 use it you only got 1%
Canuk: what survey are you talkin about?
neilo: :o)
"TRIDENT": ok one more time..
"TRIDENT": Hello oeveryone..8s*..
"TRIDENT": =o]
Lace: thanks Clee
Clee: :-))
Lace: Hi Trident
"TRIDENT": hello Lace..*s*
Facter: so neilo ? how do you think opinion polls
are taken ? do you think they ask everyone in the country ? nope. . . it's
a *survey* =)
red4now: clee? wheres clee?
Lace: how can you miss,Clee?
neilo: lol ok facter i filled it out anyway :o
neilo: )
red4now: had eyes closed
Facter: hehehe
Lace: He is right in the middle of everything
at like 7 feet tall
Facter: im jsut explaining it for myself really
Facter: hehehe
red4now: but he's been soooo quiet!
Clee: who red?
red4now: you
red4now: *grin*
Lace: yeah, dont let that fool you !!....he is
probably up to something
Clee: i was afraid you were going to say that
red4now: <---likes picking on clee
Clee: i know you
red4now: you dont mind?
Clee: nope..
red4now: saves talian the scars
Clee: :-)
Lace: lol
Talian: <-------likes to see Clee get picked
Clee: that case
red4now: hahahh
Clee: yes i mind
Superuser: ATTENTION: All you people that like
FREE GAME TRIAL SOFTWARE, FOUND A WORLD that has 11 million pages of links
for this... AW-Shops at 2S 2E 270
Lace: hehehe...
Clee: :-))
Lace: 11 million pages?
Lace: that is too much shopping , even for me
Samantha: Hi everybody...
Superuser: yes... and lots of other stuff too.
Check it out...
Clee: hi Sam
Samantha: Hi Clee
Lace: Hi Sam
Samantha: Hi Lace
Samantha: How're things round here tonight?
Clee: pretty nice Sam
Clee: quiet..
Clee: except for red
Samantha: nice and quiet is wonderful :o)
Clee: :-))
red4now: ?
"Energizer": I'm back
Samantha: red...are you livening things up? How
dare you? (hehehe)
Lace: wb Energizer
Clee: she's been causing trouble all nite
red4now: looking around ....wandering about factor
percententages about men actually talking in here versos women
"Energizer": thanx Lace :-)
Samantha: Tsk tsk tsk.
red4now: hey!
Clee: what????
Clee: me?
Samantha: which?
Samantha: huh?
Lace: *hands T a Lindt chocolate
Talian: thans lace
red4now: seems to be more females actually type
on keyboard here than men
Lace: welcome
Clee: hmmmm
Samantha: Men are spatial, women are verbal.
Lace: really Red?
Lace: lol
Guest8: Anybody know where the Titanic is?
Samantha: Bottom of the ocean somewhere i think.
Lace: Men are spatial for sure
Samantha: (badumbum)
"Energizer": I think u are special too, Sam
Samantha: lol
red4now: lol
neilo: women are better
Guest8: Somewhere in Alpha World is a Titanic
that someone made.
neilo: :o)
Samantha: Hello neilo :o)
red4now: guest8 ask moe, he knows
Samantha: is m0e here?
red4now: but sad to say, he is not here
Samantha: oh.
Guest8: So Moe does not know? :-)
Samantha: oh m0e knows.
Samantha: (hehehe)
red4now: moe does know, he is just not here
neilo: titanic is at AW 2344.5N 1926.5W 0.1a
Guest8: heh-heh
Guest8: Thanks neilo
Samantha: m0e's nose knows
neilo: hi sam
red4now: oh, i have it <looking thru million
scraps of paper>
Clee: red
Samantha: oh, you've got those too, red?
red4now: 2348n 1907w
red4now: yep
Samantha: Gets cluttery, don't it?
red4now: yep
Tess: is tessanne here?
red4now: too late? wahhhhhh
Samantha: Oh, poor poor red...
Samantha: There, there.
Samantha: <pat>
Clee: sorry red...
Clee: :-))
2ndChildhood: guess I'll go back to work...making
Samantha: Hi bye 2nd :o)
red4now: story of my life, day late and dollar
"Christopher": hello brother Matthew
Ennes: hi 2nd how are you?
"Christopher": hi
"Caveman": ho bro
Catterpillar: tu me vois Fée?
"Fee": Hi every body!
"Fee": yes Catterpillar!
Catterpillar: :)
Samantha: <yawn> gotta go to sleep...zzzzz...
g'nite everybody!
Clee: nite Sam...
Very Naughty MG: nite sam :o)
Lace: *waves to everyone..nighty night ....
neilo: nite sam
Talian: good night everyone
Clee: nite Tal....
Very Naughty MG: bye Tal
Lace: night T
red4now: nite tall
Lace: night Clee
red4now: tal
"chris": help
Lace: ohh boy...they rhyme
red4now: see, clee, sometimes i get it right
Clee: haha...yep...
Lace: bye bye
Clee: nite Lace
Roxie: Steel?
Clee: :-)
Subsea: what can i help you with Chris?
red4now: mg!!!
Very Naughty MG: BORED!
"Steel": HI Roxie
"Fee": So Catter... do we go visit??
Very Naughty MG: red!!
"chris": i dont know what im doing
Catterpillar: pourquoi pas!!
"Steel": over here
"Fee": hum.... nice look!! héhé
Subsea: What do you need to know chris?
Very Naughty MG: wanna go to america????
Very Naughty MG: hahahahahaha
red4now: been to america lately mg?
Roxie: hi :)
Catterpillar: J'me vois pas encore!
"Steel": how did you do that
red4now: heheheh, great minds and all
"Fee": so! follow me!!
"Fee": t'es un surfeur!!
Very Naughty MG: wanna come?
Roxie: buttons above
Catterpillar: J'viens de voir ca!
red4now: sure
Very Naughty MG: ok..see ya there :o)
Immigration Officer: Welcome to America, the
largest personal world on the net. We presently have 16,400 objects
to build with and 80 avatars. Have fun. (one lot per builder)
Tish: lol
"Zorina": where to cool?...i am above the falls
and bears....LOL
"Coolblue": ya there?
rushman: hahahaah
"Zorina": yes
Very Naughty MG: red?
rushman: natus whats up??
Tish: must be a kid.
Very Naughty MG: RED!!!!!
Very Naughty MG: wakey wakey
"Jasmine": Good Evening!
Viking: MG !
"Zorina": i don't see you cool..
Very Naughty MG: VIKING!!!!!!!
rushman: must be Tish
"Zorina": now i see
"Coolblue": pretty incredible huh?
Very Naughty MG: my little sugar muffin
SiN: hi jasmine
"Coolblue": fly up
"Jasmine": Hi Sin
"Jasmine": how ya been?
RogueHawk: Hallo VN,......
Very Naughty MG: Hawk
"Coolblue": tinkerbell
"Zorina": hahah
RogueHawk: You seem to be on my contact list.....Do
I know you?
Very Naughty MG: mysterious girl
Tish: lol
"Coolblue": okgot the hang of it i see...:)
Tish: natas where are you from
"Zorina": ahaha
"Zorina": now what?
rushman: give her a taste of her own!!hahaaa
"natas": guess
RogueHawk: Is your shoe untied?
"Coolblue": lets go to.........
Tish: here we go child
red4now: mg!!!
Very Naughty MG: RED!!!!
rushman: u are from earth!!
"Zorina": vegas?
Very Naughty MG: anything happening here today?
"Zorina": did you see me?
"Coolblue": Paradise...k?
"Zorina": K..
rushman: what is with this girl Tish?
Tish: and out of site she goes.....way down
Viking: Hello
"Jasmine": hi
Tish: have no clue
"Jasmine": what ya doin?
Very Naughty MG: *getting jealous*
rushman: natas???
Viking: Just hanging around...talking.
"Jasmine": oh
Very Naughty MG: yeah yeah yeah
Tish: she is under ground
rushman: i see that!!!
"natas": looking up skirt
SiN: hmmm natas spelled backwards is hmmmmm
i dont know is it mabey satan ???
red4now: ?
Tish: <------- stomps on face......
rushman: so u are a lesbuan natas???
Hammer: you may be right SiN
Very Naughty MG: and very spelled backwards is
Tish: lol
red4now: lol
red4now: gnikiv
Very Naughty MG: GNIKIV........
"natas": hahahaa
red4now: gm ythguan yrev
Viking: hey....what are you...dyslexic ?
Very Naughty MG: won4der
red4now: yep
red4now: eww, i like mine mg
rushman: namhsur
"natas": do the maccarana
Tish: not going to do mine backwards...LOL or
any other way...
Viking: ahahahahahahaum
red4now: i am won4der
Very Naughty MG: gnikiv.....................ereh
Viking: hsit....not too bad
sis sis: gotta go.. take care everyone.. :)
red4now: nite sis sis
SiN: bye sis sis
Viking: night sis sis ! ; )
rushman: natas where u from?
RogueHawk: Nite Sis:)
Very Naughty MG: is life?
SiN: great
SiN: : )
Very Naughty MG: life is great and there is 3
months till X-mas
SiN: brb
"coodude": hi
Queen Evil: Hey Rush
rushman: hi Queeny!!
Queen Evil: :-)
Dak Akkra: Hello Very
Queen Evil: hi
Very Naughty MG: hello
rushman: hi very naughty
Very Naughty MG: rushman :o)
rushman: u look naughty!!
Very Naughty MG: HAHAHA
red4now: MUHAHAHA, to be exact
rushman: just dont hurt me ok very?
rushman: hahahaa
red4now: lol
"bill": hi
"bill": all
Queen Evil: hi
Dak Akkra: Hi Queen Evil
"bill": hello Everyone!!!
Tish: Rush are you following natas...LOL
rushman: who me?
Tish: lol
rushman: did u see queen evil?
Guest8: Hi
rushman: she was just here
Tish: think she left...
rushman: oh ok!!
Just Nick: y
Very Naughty MG: Yo Nick :o)
rushman: natas u are a guy???
rushman: nope
Dak Akkra: Hi Just Nick
rushman: heheheee
Tish: (waiting to hear a pin drop)
red4now: *pin*
"dgenerate561": ding
rushman: i know no one talkin!!
"tony33": ok im here tish
Tish: Hi tony
"tony33": i missed you
Very Naughty MG: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Very Naughty MG: wake up
Tish: gee...that did not take you long...
Very Naughty MG: is everybody in teles here???????
Tish: don't say that
Tish: not me
red4now: not me mg, *grin*
"tony33": i know
rushman: not me!
Tish: need tunes
"Streamer": hi people
Tish: Hi Streamer
Very Naughty MG: yeah right....MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
rushman: ok so where u from very?
red4now: hahahaha
Very Naughty MG: denmark...i live in australia
rushman: and u red where u from?
"tony33": this is neat
Tish: told ya you might like it
rushman: i am in USA wisconsin
red4now: florida, rush, and you?
"Streamer": Hi Tish
"Streamer": i'm Florida
Tish: I am in New York not the city
rushman: wish i was in florida!!
Tish: don't we all at the moment in the north
rushman: NEW YORK CITY!!!
Tish: NO
rushman: hahahaaa
Tish: Auburn
red4now: <---shoots viking with water pistol
"dgenerate561": fall
Tish: uh oh...water fight
Very Naughty MG: Kick's Viking (_x_)
Tish: LOL
rushman: whats MG stand for ?
"natas": fuck im glad im not a god damn yank
Very Naughty MG: MIGHTY GOD
Tish: watch the mouth
"tony33": tish im tapeing all in the family
Very Naughty MG: jk...mysterious girl
rushman: that was fast!!haha
"Streamer": wow
Tish: lol
rushman: oh ok
"Streamer": Reb's dont talk like that
Tish: gee..finally it talked but the wrong words...
rushman: hahahaaha
"dgenerate561": got blood|?
rushman: how old r u??very?
"tony33": what did you meanby i know what to
do tish
Viking: red- I won't forget that water pistol...
Tish: tony...ask me on ICQ
goke: oh my !
goke: it is!
Very Naughty MG: how old do you want me to be???(thinking
of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman)
Tish: Hi Goke
red4now: hehehhe, fills it up with ice water
rushman: hahahahaa
rushman: ummm...
goke: weee!
goke: hi tish
rushman: 35, retired, and filthy rich would be
Roxie: you look like Alex
Very Naughty MG: Takes a bucket of ice water
and throws it on Viking
Tish: tony...push the minus key to land on the
ground...and use the arrows to move around
"Steel": Roxie your a black triangle
Viking: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
"Streamer": has anyone saw SHILO yet
Very Naughty MG: 29...married my cyberlove...3
"dgenerate561": taxi!
Very Naughty MG: and still VERY married :o)
Roxie: ooooh, but wait til you see me!
Viking: ABBA !!!!!
red4now: stuffs loose ice cubes way down
rushman: hahaha me too!!
Tish:'s a plane
"Steel": I kind of like the triangle
Roxie: Do you see me yet?
Very Naughty MG: sucks on an ice cube
Lady Moonstar: please move the ship of landing
Very Naughty MG: REFRESHING!
"Steel": WOW
"tony33": nice body tish
Tish: did it land on anyone? if it did
call an ambulance
Syquest: oh thas me
Viking: Fernando !!!
Very Naughty MG: abba....eeuuwwwwwww
Syquest: hehe sorry folks
Viking: Do you hear the guns Fernando ???
Benjamin Dover: America is a place of friendship
where we can express our opinions without fear of repercussions
Roxie: You look like you belong at Rattlesnake's
"Streamer": Hey Lady M did shilo ever come in
Very Naughty MG: Ben :o))
Benjamin Dover: Welcome friends
red4now: thanks ben
Benjamin Dover: Hello MG
rushman: hi ben
Roxie: If you try the view button, you can choose
from First or third person view
"Steel": What do I look like?
Viking: And just what is wrong with ABBA ?????
Very Naughty MG: I don't like them!
Benjamin Dover: Hello red 4 now thats an interesting
name pray tell how did you come by it?
"Streamer": say one thing you can get a lot of
help here
Roxie: ABBA rules
rushman: what do u like to listen to very?
"Steel": That's scarry
Benjamin Dover: Hi rush man
Tish: BRB...need coffee
Roxie: kidding
red4now: oh ben, tis long story, not really ,
went from blonde hair to red, thats about it
Very Naughty MG: she just coloured her hair red
rushman: u ok roxie?
Tish: Hi...going to grab a cup of coffee and
be right back
red4now: mg!!!
Roxie: I don't know how to send a telegram
Benjamin Dover: Hmmmm thats vey moving red
Very Naughty MG: tomorrow it will be: blond4now
red4now: thanks benn
Roxie: I kept getting them, but don't know how
to send
Roxie: do I have the option?
red4now: thanks to lady clarol
Benjamin Dover: right click on the name Roxie
SiN: tazz !!
Tazz: Whats up Sin
SiN: same ol
"dgenerate561": woa
"Steel": I do'nt think so
Benjamin Dover: then left click on reply and
type away
Benjamin Dover: then hit enter or click on send
SiN: hi ben :) dident see you
Benjamin Dover: Hi SiN
Benjamin Dover: How are you?
Viking: Dancing Queen !!!
"tony33": hi tish
Roxie: Thanks, but where do I find "contacts?"
Viking: 17 ???
rushman: ben take me surfing some time?
SiN: just great thanx u ?
Tish: hi tony
Very Naughty MG: Put some Crowded House on please
"tony33": im right next to you ok
Benjamin Dover: When the tides in rushman :)
Tish: no prob....
rushman: contact tab to left
Benjamin Dover: I am very well SiN
Roxie: I'll figure it out
rushman: cool
"tony33": nice body tish
Very Naughty MG: abba stinks
Benjamin Dover: just recovering from a trip to
the batting cages
Tish: thanx's a
Benjamin Dover: and driving range
Viking: didn't hear that..ABBA
does not stick lalalalala (fingers in ears)
rushman: ok rocy want me to help?
Tish: rofl
rushman: roxie!
Lady Moonstar: this ones for you vn iscaled hole
in your soul
"tony33": where is the music comeing from
Very Naughty MG: very neat...but I turned the
sound off
Lady Moonstar: good than you wont heer crowded
Benjamin Dover: I feel tension
Roxie: Got to go Steel, talk to you in a few
Very Naughty MG: too many wav down;oads
Very Naughty MG: oops
Benjamin Dover: Danger Will Robinson
RogueHawk: How bout those Cubs!?!! <Grin>
Very Naughty MG: tension...where?
"Steel": OK
"tony33": tish you cant talk dirt on can
Very Naughty MG: wanna have a massage...Ben??
Tish: no and I wouldn't
Very Naughty MG: hehehehehe
Lady Moonstar: heheh RH:)*wink*
RogueHawk: WiNk>
"tony33": ok just checking
Benjamin Dover: not into massgony MG :))
Very Naughty MG: HUH?
Benjamin Dover: massogony even
rushman: tony u naught boy u!!!hahahaaa
Tish: LOL...rush...he lives here in my town
"tony33": oh well im new at this
rushman: cool!
rushman: welcome to aw!
Tish: (promises not to teach newbies how to fly
"tony33": thank you
SiN: hi butterfly : )
rushman: hahahaaa
RogueHawk: Where Goke?:)
Butterfly Love: hi Sin
goke: here :)
goke: in my corner lol
RogueHawk: C'meere moons...
rushman: what u think tony?
rushman: he likes it he likes it!!!
"tony33": cool
"dgenerate561": heads up
"tony33": tish do you like to dace
Lady Moonstar: ??
SiN: hi goke :)
Tish: not really...
goke: hi SiN how are ya?
RogueHawk: walk to it goke:)
SiN: grat thanx hope you are well
goke: darn..I just got here and now the pies
"dgenerate561": hey ur ass is glowing
goke: huh
Just Nick: saaaaa
SiN: hi nick
RogueHawk: Bad boy.....
Benjamin Dover: yo Nick
rushman: tony there are a lot of cool things
to see in AW
goke: no bad langauge here please dgnr:)
Just Nick: ojkeert inu
"dgenerate561": o my bad
"dgenerate561": yo booty is glowing
RogueHawk: Wanna go for a ride ??
RogueHawk: :)
SiN: read the rules facing north dgenerate
"dgenerate561": i gottta read all that?
goke: yes
RogueHawk: Please do:)
goke: all of it :)
red4now: nite all
"dgenerate561": aww
Very Naughty MG: bye reddy :o)
Very Naughty MG: hehehe
SiN: bye red
RogueHawk: Bye Red:)
Benjamin Dover: nite red
"dgenerate561": lol
red4now: *poof* (sorry nite ben)
red4now: nite moonstar
Viking: night red
"tony33": are you still here tish
Tish: BRB...fighting with
goke: brb going to get my cherry pie with vanilla
ice cream
RogueHawk: Midi up..... :)
rushman: oh yummy!!!
RogueHawk: EWw
"tony33": man this cool
rushman: brb snack for me!!!
Shilo: hi everybody
SiN: hi butterfly how are you ?
SiN: hi shilo
RogueHawk: Hallo Shilo:)
Shilo: hi SiN
Lady Moonstar: (*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*SHILO)*)*)*)*)*)*
Viking: Play that Funky Music
Shilo: Hi Rogue :-)
RogueHawk: lol
RogueHawk: Yepp
Shilo: {{{LADY}}}}
RogueHawk: ;)
goke: get down!
RogueHawk: Ha!
Shilo: Hi goke
RogueHawk: Thats for goke.....
Lady Moonstar: oh yea:)
Bryon70: hello all.
goke: thanks :)))
Lady Moonstar: hallo byron:)
RogueHawk: and Moons
SiN: hey byron
goke: hi shilo :)
Bryon70: Hello Lady
Bryon70: Sin, hello...
Lady Moonstar: how are you byron:)
Tish: back
rushman: back
Bryon70: Good, you remember me...
rushman: hahaa
goke: Sparky says hi roguehawk :)
RogueHawk: Tell Heman Hello:) and check
his machine tomorrow;)
SiN: : )
"LePurrLeMU": :)
SiN: le hahaha
"LePurrLeMU": le purrrr:)))
Bryon70: sin, nice avatar..
goke: what machine ..the one he uses to stimulate
his brain lol
SiN: lol you too
goke: he didnt see that lol
RogueHawk: ..........Yea,.....that one:)
Bryon70: kewl, now I can see my
"LePurrLeMU": lot of popetes here hehehhe
RogueHawk: Good for you!
SiN: yeah me too lol
"LePurrLeMU": popeys
RogueHawk: Tell me when that songs over...I cant
hear it at all....
goke: it's over
"LePurrLeMU": is over:))
RogueHawk: Me card no likee....
goke: hey lepuurr how are you?
RogueHawk: ok:)
"LePurrLeMU": <------------ pulling somones
goke: my birds tryiong to get my pie and ice
cream :(
SiN: lol
Tish: LOL
goke: lol
Bryon70: lol, too funny...
Shilo: LePurr you be nice ... LOLOL
"LePurrLeMU": ohh its a wigg!!!!
goke: LMAO
Bryon70: Ok sin... going to bed... be good, be
careful with my avatar body ok... lol
RogueHawk: Goke has a cool Cockatiell...
Tish: rofl
"LePurrLeMU": lot of red hair
RogueHawk: <Spelling>
Shilo: I told you to be nice .. now look what
you did
goke: no it's a cocaktoo,but you were close
"LePurrLeMU": <--------- going to set it on
fire now
SiN: lol
SiN: night byron haha
goke: lepurrr,shame on you
Shilo: sure am glad it isn't mine
RogueHawk: Its got Big Hair......close.
goke: I have no hair leftI got it cut yesterday
Bryon70: later moon
goke: hehe rh
RogueHawk: Not you....yer Bird.
RogueHawk: You got a big
Bryon70: goodnight people....
Tish: night
RogueHawk: L8r Bryon:)
Shilo: birds have feathers rogue not hair :-)
goke: I know,but I really did get my hair cut
Wait till you see lol
goke: my bird has hair shilo
RogueHawk: ......Hmmm......<Looking at my
goke: at least thats what I call it :)
RogueHawk: <Grin>
Shilo: hehehehe
RogueHawk: I have hair too, Shilo:)
RogueHawk: Me too:)
Shilo: no your bald rogue
Very Naughty MG: mmmm...............
goke: hehe
RogueHawk: not....
goke: are too
goke: lol
Shilo: that was your hair that LePurr burned
SiN: lol
Shilo: hehehehe
RogueHawk: I'm 6' 5" Blonde hair,...and
did I mention Filthy Rich?? <Grin>
Shilo: see there it is burning up right now
RogueHawk: ....goke is bald:)
goke: oh my gosh theres a fire over there!
RogueHawk: So is moon:)
SiN: lol
goke: ya right!
Shilo: that was rogues hair
Tish: wooooosh
Shilo: up in flames
SiN: i dont think it was rogues hair lol
goke: and you are ....
RogueHawk: <Slappin Head>
RogueHawk: Oops.....
goke: in trouble lol
RogueHawk: No goke,.....keep it clean now:)
Shilo: hehehe
goke: lol know me too well
Shilo: you guys are bad
goke: very :)
Shilo: LOL
RogueHawk: Ya.....You make me as sick as I make
myself, sometimes lol
Shilo: hehe
Shilo: hi 68
goke: I am choking
SiN: 68 !!
Shilo: WB
68impala: so much for sneaking in...
RogueHawk: <Grin>.....I am not! I'm
a good Birdie:)
Tish: brb
RogueHawk: goke..
goke: ah huh
goke: hi 68 We missed you
Shilo: who is in charge of the mop tonight
SiN: teleport that flame to hmmmmm 1s 1e
Very Naughty MG: mmm...............68 :o)
Shilo: rogue made a booboo here
RogueHawk: Do they have a Hair Club for women??
goke: what mop?
RogueHawk: What mess??:)
Shilo: to clean up rogue mess here
68impala: i missed all of you too...
goke: no need for hair club for women
RogueHawk: I use a catbox!:)
SiN: lol
RogueHawk: .....sorry goke:)
Shilo: well my friend you missed the box
SiN: ok 1.5 lol
68impala: hi mysty, shilo, sin..gike...*breathe*
goke: they just get rid of the men that are causing
them to lose their hair :)
RogueHawk: Moon did it! :)
68impala: goke..sorry
goke: catbox...pffff
Shilo: moon .. you did this mess?
RogueHawk: She did!
SiN: hahaha lol
Butterfly Love: woo hoooo
"s9": Any voice chat here?
Shilo: did you see
goke: somebody get the lysol
Butterfly Love: brb
RogueHawk: I would do this...if it was me:)
"LePurrLeMU": miowww
goke: LMAO
SiN: le purrrr
goke: its the kitty,she did it!
Shilo: LePurr did you see rogue make this mess
on the floor
Butterfly Love: brb need to reboot
goke: ok butterfly
RogueHawk: Nope...I'm making opals:)
goke: sure
Shilo: hehehe
goke: you cant make opals silly
RogueHawk: Look on GZ silly:)
goke: you sure you dont mean apples?
"72 Ford Pinto": heh
goke: oh lol
Shilo: How was the trip 68?
goke: little opals
Gentlewinds: ooops...sorry lady in little black
dress...I stepped on ya...
RogueHawk: Will the real moonstar please stand
"72 Ford Pinto": vrooooooooooom
68impala: long.....tiring...
Very Naughty MG: Is it impossible for the CA's
here to take the bold text off?
Shilo: all settled in yet?
goke: I was starting to wonder about you 68
"72 Ford Pinto": no its not
goke: ah oh
goke: somebody made a boo boo
RogueHawk: I am an AB providing midis,....NG:)
68impala: no...not yet...but i'm getting there...
69firebird: hahaha lets race!!
Shilo: well that is one way of cleaning the floor
"72 Ford Pinto": lol
Very Naughty MG: NG???
goke: I can be the referee
Gentlewinds: Iknow an NG
RogueHawk: And I like to see 2 PK's here to handle
problem children, myself:)
"72 Ford Pinto": vrooooooooom !!!!
goke: or whatever you call it
goke: wheres the other car?
RogueHawk: We are here to help:)
goke: now both turn around
Gentlewinds: Is it my imagination....or is that
flame moving around?
"LePurrLeMU": hahahaha
goke: and dont move
Shilo: LOLOL
Butterfly Love: ok I am back
Very Naughty MG: but if there are no problems
at the moment...then why the bold text?
Shilo: WB Butterfly
69firebird: race to the flame and back inpala???
goke: no
69firebird: and pinto?
Butterfly Love: tahnk you
goke: wait
69firebird: no what goke?
goke: put feet on edge of sqaure
goke: I will say who wins
"VeryNaughtys Mo": time to come home !!
68impala SS427: sure thing......
goke: toward me
goke: stop!
goke: :)
Butterfly Love: zzzzzzzzz
goke: now where's the other car
"LePurrLeMU": hwak what are you doing!!
69firebird: u are bossy goke!!
"VeryNaughty Mom": your late for dinner
69firebird: hahaaa
goke: hehe you think lol
goke: other car! come here to arce
goke: race please
69firebird: i guess i win by default
goke: I gues so but that was no fun :(
69firebird: hi mom!
"VeryNaughty Mom": hi
Butterfly Love: I must be getting burnt finally
on this *** puter..... seems that even this is BORING........
goke: how about you race naughty miom?
69firebird: u are very naught mom!!
69firebird: mom wanna race/
"VeryNaughty Mom": im lookin for my brain dead
daughter has anyone seen her ??
69firebird: ?
goke: no lol
goke: 68...will you race?
69firebird: is her first name verynaughty?
Butterfly Love: wait I know what it is it is
rebuilding it too many times and still have to do it one more time....
"VeryNaughty Mom": yes it is
69firebird: well as a matter of fact she was
"Bunny": I would like to see the race
goke: ok I'll race you then!
Very Naughty MG: But this braindead daughter
will save this chatlog, so they can see I get impersonated in here!!!!!
and thatb is why I have started my war
68impala SS427: well.....
69firebird: ok goke lets race
"VeryNaughty Mom": go ahead
"VeryNaughty Mom": fool
"Bunny": on your mark
Butterfly Love: ODD no one is resonding am I
invisible or what!! SEE YA
goke: just watch out for the fire 69
Very Naughty MG: TRYST ME....I WILL
goke: wait
Shilo: who is impersonating you MG???
Very Naughty MG: TRUST
69firebird: hold on
68impala SS427: i see you, BL...
goke: do girls get a lead?lol
Shilo: you said yourself it is a free world and
free speach
"Bunny": get set
"VeryNaughty Mom": thats right
goke: well race to shilo when she says go
"Bunny": go
Shilo: ok .. ready .. set
Shilo: go
goke: not bunny
RogueHawk: Boy......was my HD thrashing.....
69firebird: oops!!
69firebird: restart!!!
goke: lol I win!
"VeryNaughty Mom": and im not impersonating you,
just your mom
Shilo: somebody cheated there
69firebird: no no!!
goke: ouch..I ran into the pond
69firebird: i jumped the line!!!
goke: hehe
69firebird: clutch slipped
goke: lol
Very Naughty MG: the problem is.....if I say
what I WANT...I get ejected...........if I ever called ANYONE in here braindead....I
was history
Shilo: you jumped it too early 69
goke: say when shilo
Shilo: lets see where you were ejected for calling
somebody braindead MG
69firebird: ready
Shilo: ready
Shilo: set
Shilo: GO
goke: lol
Very Naughty MG: get lost Shilo
goke: I kept going
"VeryNaughty Mom": its my opinion
"Bunny": guess I wasn't good enough
goke: I blew it LOL
Shilo: now that wasn't nice MG
Very Naughty MG: FREE SPEECH...remember?
69firebird: hahaha
"VeryNaughty Mom": thats right
goke: bunny you want to race too?
Shilo: and I just asked a very normal question
"VeryNaughty Mom": and your brain dead
Very Naughty MG: it is my opinion that you are
a bunch of wimps
"Bunny": sure
Shilo: sure didn't require a very immature answer
from you
goke: ok come over here
RogueHawk: VN,...I have you in my contacts as
NG, because you have harassed me in the past as well,...and I ejected you
for it. This is a new name for you,...but you will change it,..and
I will know when you are on.
Shilo: and what you said was immature
"VeryNaughty Mom": and your ol man is ugly too
RogueHawk: And will expect you to provoke an
Very Naughty MG: SO GIVE ME A BREAK....EH
RogueHawk: As you have with severall AB's And
"Bunny": ready
Shilo: your yelling MG ... we aren't blind or
goke: I dont see you bunny
Viking: incident
RogueHawk: We are verry patient,...because you
are still here.
Very Naughty MG: I am on your list as Naughty
goke: ok I see oyu
69firebird: she is by me
Shilo: very patient
69firebird: ok i am set
goke: shilo say when
Shilo: WHEN
RogueHawk: You will be on it no matter what name
you use.
Shilo: you win goke
goke: :)
"hsds": hi hawk
"Bunny": didn't take that seriously sorry :(
Very Naughty MG: I wanna know if I am on your
list right now as naughty girly?
goke: lots of practice :)
69firebird: she did not!!!
"hsds": hi goke
Shilo: she did so 69
69firebird: goke u paying her?
goke: hi hsds
Shilo: you were still standing there waiting
for a go from me
RogueHawk: You are a Problem Child. as
I call them.
Shilo: LOLOL
"hsds": m/f?
goke: I dont cheat
RogueHawk: And now,....more PK's and AB's know
Shilo: LOL
Shilo: way to go goke
Very Naughty MG: you know RH.............I really
don't care
Shilo: hehehe
goke: thanks :)
69firebird: ok line up agian!!
Shilo: hi Streamer
"hsds": gogke how old r u?
goke: old as rock
RogueHawk: I know,....I do:) I want you
to know this. I care about AW....allot.
"Bunny": lol
Very Naughty MG: like your second
"Streamer": Hi Shilo
Shilo: How are you tonight?
69firebird: ready all?
"hsds": u mean i will have to do carbondating/
"Streamer": Hi People
RogueHawk: It is something I helped Build.
"Bunny": ready
goke: sorry if we are running over anyone :)
goke: yep
RogueHawk: Clear?
69firebird: shilo?
Very Naughty MG: let me tell you something....I
am not Naughty just as you made a mistake there
Shilo: yes 69
"Streamer": Hi goke
Very Naughty MG: check the cit number
69firebird: tell us when
"Streamer": see shilo finally showeds up
"hsds": so u r 100 by my research
Shilo: ok ... GO
"VeryNaughty Mom": my daughter is a moron
goke: oh man
Shilo: goke your getting slow in your old av
Very Naughty MG: my name used to be mysterious
girl and that's it
goke: who was the bug?
69firebird: hahahaa!!
Very Naughty MG: and btw...I have never talked
to you before
"Bunny": I screwed up again sorry guys
"VeryNaughty Mom": lol
RogueHawk: VN MG....Is in my contacts,....I typed
NG...this is the name that was in its place.
goke: its ok :)
Shilo: yes I showed up Streamer
"Bunny": It won't happen again
69firebird: is ok
"hsds": so old manhow is u're health
69firebird: i beet ya goke
goke: huh
Very Naughty MG: well.....this is me....check
the cit number
Very Naughty MG: and get things right next time
goke: you werent the bug
Eric: goke it is me
Eric: :o)
Very Naughty MG: try and type Naughty girly there
goke: oh lol
"hsds": u use stick for walking assistance
"Streamer": just wanted you to take a look at
the place i built ....turned out pretty nice
goke: did you race eric?
Eric: I am going to Oct 31
Very Naughty MG: is that person a citizen?
Shilo: had a doc app. today and laid down and
had a sleep
Shilo: ohh ok
Eric: race?
69firebird: yeppers!
Shilo: did you get much built?
Viking: goodnight everyone
goke: oh never mind eric and I will be mailing
that stuff tommorow to you:)
RogueHawk: I am quite right,...You seem to be
hostile with me...for taking the time to pollitely answer your questions
about Bold text.
"Streamer": you Sick ? ...not enough sleep maby
68impala: bbl..all
goke: hi streamer
goke: bye 68 :)
Shilo: i will tell you at your place
"hsds": eric u knoe goke is oldest racer we have
he is 100
Eric: really???
"Streamer": had a lot of trouble but it turned
out pretty good
Eric: coolll
Shilo: I have to find the address
goke: I am a she lol
"Streamer": hi
Eric: I did not race :o)
"hsds": ya
Eric: lol
69firebird: line up here eric!
goke: then I win again ! lol
"hsds": hi eric
Very Naughty MG: I want you to prove that I am
Naughty Girly
Eric: I have tio go!!!
Very Naughty MG: Put that name on your list
"Bunny": let's go, I must redeem myself!
goke: ok
69firebird: i think not goke
"hsds": bye eric
Eric: Hi hsds
"Streamer": Hi eric
goke: hehe
goke: wait
Just Nick: YES,,,,IT;S OK
Eric: I am going to Oct 31!!!
69firebird: i am set
Shilo: looking for it
goke: ok
69firebird: bunny ok?
"hsds": iis it u're b'day e
"Bunny": ya
"VeryNaughty Mom": hmmmm
goke: wait
Eric: you guys are racing LOL... ahaha
Eric: bye!
goke: eric has to say go
Very Naughty MG: burning me up there?
Shilo: got something here .. ready?
Eric: on your mark
RogueHawk: I truly would like to finish my job
here and play the Midi's.....if you dont mind:)
Nerissa: OK I give up..who is VG Mum Mysty?
"Streamer": hey shilo i hate to ask but whats
your Boyfriend's name ??
Eric: get set
"VeryNaughty Mom": one can only wish in vr
"hsds": go
Eric: and GO
Eric: hehe
goke: oh I ose
Shilo: my boyfriend
"Bunny": false start
Very Naughty MG: some idiot
goke: darn hsds
"Streamer": bnot that i'm really nosey ..
69firebird: that was rude hsds!!
Shilo: hmmmm haven't seen him for so long ..
don't know if I have one anymore
"Streamer": but just wonder
"Bunny": I'll never get a fair chance
"hsds": goke how old?
"Juke": eekkkk!!!
"Streamer": where is he
goke: really old
Shilo: don't think I have one anymore
Eric: Ok bye byue
"Juke": where's the warp out of here?
Shilo: I don't know
"hsds": got to go
goke: just clcik on a world juke
Shilo: ready to go
"Streamer": hard to believe you dont know
where he went
"VeryNaughty Mom": hey mg you look like you dont
know if you found a rope or lost a horse
"Bunny": Where are you from Nerissa?
Geronimo: Hi everyone
"hsds": eric lets go for date
"Juke": yeah but i am playing tag
"Streamer": where are you going ??
Nerissa: Australia Bunny
goke: hi geranimo
Shilo: to your place .. isn't that what you wanted
to show me
RogueHawk: Telegram from Very Naughty MG, sent
just now:
you know...I have NEVER talked to you and NG
is another are harrasing me and I will keep this chatlog.
you are ONLY doing this because of what I am doing with NY and LM
"Streamer": ok yeassh forgot
"Bunny": Ah, I have a long lost half sister by
that name, very uncommon
Geronimo: hi goke
Nerissa: Wow NY and LM
RogueHawk: Really??
"Streamer": ok see you there have the cord
Nerissa: Who are they?
Shilo: I think so
"hsds": hi geronimo
Shilo: wow .. you are doing that on purpose MG
.. geeezzz
Very Naughty MG: doing what?????
"Bunny": I take it the race is over?
RogueHawk: Telegram from Very Naughty MG, sent
just now:
I asked you to check the refused...THAT
is mature!!!!!!!!!! THAT was are too childish for me
Geronimo: hi hsds
goke: we can race again
"hsds": ya totoise won bunny
RogueHawk: I am warning you to stop your telegrams
"Bunny": you mean Ican try
goke: if someone is at the other end
Very Naughty MG: OR-ELSE!!!!!
Nerissa: Hey MG who is NG?
"hsds": gero where from/
"Streamer": 11363n 51w
"Bunny": what was that hsds?
RogueHawk: 1st warning.
"VeryNaughty Mom": if brains were gas, you wouldent
have enough gas to put in a red ants motorcycle to ride half way around
the inside of a cherre-o just my opinion
"hsds": bunny u do'nt knoe story of bunny &
rushman: goke u are a loser!!!hahaaa
"Bunny": hehehehe
rushman: i beat u twice!!
goke: what!
"Bunny": certainly
rushman: i beat u 2 times!!
goke: when?
rushman: what do u mean i didnt?
"hsds": that's what i meant
"Bunny": k
rushman: we raced 3 times and u won 1 and I 2
goke: did he bunny?
"hsds": bye everyone
goke: bye hsds
"Bunny": did we go through a name change
rushman: yes this is my real name
goke: hmmm I dont know
"Bunny": I thought you raced 69
"hsds": bye goke
rushman: was 69firebird
goke: Yeah..I dont remeber rushman
rushman: cause other cars wrer here too!!
goke: oh lol
"Bunny": Goke won 2 times sorry rushman:(
goke: well I won!
goke: hehe
rushman: ooopps forgot about that name thing!!hahaha
"Bunny": let's go
"VeryNaughty Mom": :)
RogueHawk: Moon,...will you take the Music for
me? Need a break;)
Very Naughty MG: is this a personal problem you
have with me....RH?
rushman: u liar goke!!!
goke: gee..why could that be lol RH
goke: I never lie :)
rushman: yeah ok!!haha
goke: only to men lol
RogueHawk: Not at all,...Just enforcing "Community
Standards" Per Jetta Lewis. I am sure you are a nice person.
rushman: oh i see...
goke: j/k
Very Naughty MG: oh...are you now.....1 minute
ago you said harrased you before
rushman: one of those types hey!!
goke: I am a very honest person
Very Naughty MG: and I have never talked to you
rushman: yeah sure
goke: thats why Im poor
goke: If I could lie I figure I would be rich
rushman: i bet u are
rushman: how come
RogueHawk: One minute ago I was o0n the web.....this
is your second warning to stop harassing .
Very Naughty MG: i asked you to check the name
naughty girly to see if that person was still a refused
goke: dirt poor really
RogueHawk: on
"Bunny": But if you were a liar you would say
you were honest
goke: hmmm
"Bunny": not that you aren't honest
rushman: ah true bunny
goke: I guess a liar would say that
Very Naughty MG: am I harrasing you??????
but you are supposed to help people....arn't you?
"Bunny": just a hypothetical
goke: somebody need help here?
rushman: so u are a liar??
goke: maybe an aspirin?
goke: no not me :)
"Bunny": you'll never know
rushman: hahahaha
"Bunny": let's race
"Bunny": I'm ready
goke: ok
"Bunny": I think
rushman: well its been fun playing but i have
to sleep too!!!
goke: well race to very naughty
"VeryNaughty Mom": is lady moonstar here tonight
rushman: oh ok one more
goke: chicken! lol
"Bunny": k
"Bunny": he is afraid
RogueHawk: Yes you have been,....and some others
here as well. You seem to want to provoke a boot.
Lady Moonstar: yes iam
goke: who says go?
"Bunny": you beat him too bad alrready
rushman: i am ready girls!
"VeryNaughty Mom": hello ladymoonstar long
time no see !!
goke: hes ahead of me
"stuff": the girls aren't ready for you
Lady Moonstar: hello
goke: step back rush
"stuff": lol
rushman: move up goke Duh!
"Bunny": hehehehe
Immigration Officer: Lord HardDriven would like
to join you. Type 'y' to accept this request, or 'n' to reject it.
Lady Moonstar: goke take over midis please
rushman: i am in line with bunny!!
goke: oh lol
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by
Lord HardDriven.
"VeryNaughty Mom": how have you been ?
goke: ok
"stuff": hi bunny
rushman: now who starts us?
"Bunny": big D?
Lady Moonstar: thank you
V W o: u
goke: you guys go Ill say when
rushman: hey stuff can u count?
"stuff": i'm not sure the girls WANT to be ready
for you
"stuff": yeah why?
"Bunny": is that you?
goke: reasdy
goke: set
"Bunny": hey you have to give us the go
rushman: maybe u can start the race then?
goke: go
"stuff": me?
goke: bunny won!
"stuff": 5
"stuff": 4
"stuff": 3
rushman: hold on goke!
goke: lol brb
"stuff": 2
"stuff": 1
"Bunny": did I falsestart?
"stuff": 00!!! gooo!!!
"stuff": she cheated
rushman: maybe a little bunny!!
"stuff": yeah
"stuff": jumped the gun
"stuff": come back
rushman: try agian
"Bunny": I'll get this right one of these days
"stuff": ok
"stuff": hurry
"VeryNaughty Mom": thank goodness for freedom
of speach
Lord HardDriven: VNMG say something so I know
where you are : )
"stuff": or you'll be disqulified
Very Naughty MG: something :o)
"stuff": disqualified
"stuff": there ya are
"stuff": get back at the starting line
Lord HardDriven: Woah babe of an avatar you got
there : )
"Bunny": rushman, waiting patiently
"stuff": ready?
Very Naughty MG: hehe
rushman: i am ready
"stuff": ok
"stuff": from 10
rushman: to the road ok?
"stuff": 9
"stuff": 8
"VeryNaughty Mom": MUHAHAHAHAHA
Lord HardDriven: Read what you asked me to read,
pitifull just pitifull
"Bunny": hang on
"stuff": 7
"stuff": 6
"stuff": 5
"stuff": 4
"stuff": 5
"stuff": 6
"Bunny": wait
"stuff": 7
"stuff": ok
"stuff": tell me when your ready
"Bunny": where is goke?
"stuff": forget goke
"stuff": he went to get a coke
rushman: what now bunny have to do your nails???
"Bunny": get down here goke
"stuff": and smoke
rushman: hahaa
"stuff": but he choked
"Bunny": hehe
"Bunny": ok go
Lord HardDriven: Not what was wrote but what
it was about, that is.
rushman: goke is brb
"stuff": goke ain't commin
"Bunny": k
"stuff": just race
"VeryNaughty Mom": wow mg you can sure
dish it out but cant take it huh
"stuff": ready???
"stuff": 10
"stuff": 9
"Bunny": gogogogo
"stuff": 8
"stuff": 7
"stuff": 6
Very Naughty MG: TRUST ME.......I CAN TAKE IT!
"stuff": 5
"stuff": 4
"stuff": 3
"stuff": 2
"stuff": 1
"stuff": 000!!!!
"stuff": and their off!
Very Naughty MG: you are just too pathetic for
"VeryNaughty Mom": you sure dont act it
"Bunny": were we supposed to go on 1 or 0?
"stuff": 0
Very Naughty MG: I am just making sure I have
this log saved
"Bunny": k
"stuff": its an impressive win
Very Naughty MG: bye HD...bye AAmie :o)
Lord HardDriven: Hey who was talking about freedom
of speech? Don't you know you're in America?
"stuff": by a very cute girl
"VeryNaughty Mom": no YOU are the pathetic one
rushman: did i win?
"stuff": hehe
Lord HardDriven: It doesn't exist except for
the elite few
"Bunny": nono
"stuff": sorry rush...
"VeryNaughty Mom": go ahead ive done nothing
"stuff": no..
"stuff": nice try though
Very Naughty MG: so true...HD :o)
"Bunny": one more time, I promise
"stuff": from what i heard
"stuff": bunnys can run pretty fast
goke: back
rushman: i did too u guys are cheatin!!!
rushman: hahaaa
"stuff": aw man
"stuff": lol
goke: you just sat there rush lol
"Bunny": you did
"stuff": i'm not cheating!
Very Naughty MG: except for hiding behind a tourist don't have the guts to show who you are
"VeryNaughty Mom": and im not even a member of
the aw team either , and i dont care what you like or dislike either
"stuff": ok..noe more
"stuff": one more
"Bunny": k
"stuff": ready?
"stuff": ok
"stuff": 10
"Bunny": ya
Very Naughty MG: good for you
rushman: ya
"stuff": 9
"stuff": 8
"stuff": 7
"stuff": 6
"stuff": 5
"stuff": 4
"stuff": 3
"stuff": 2
"stuff": run on zero
"stuff": 1
"stuff": 00!!!
"stuff": go go
Lord HardDriven: Perhaps the fact you don't care
is the problem?
"stuff": rush man
goke: hmmm
"stuff": run faster
"stuff": haha
"Bunny": did I win?
Lord HardDriven: Hey Goke...
goke: that was a hard call
"stuff": come back
goke: hi lord
"stuff": rushman wins!
rushman: i think not
rushman: yeah!!!!
"Bunny": I won unbelievable
"stuff": lucky though
Lord HardDriven: Whhere can one find a place
to build and an object yard for this world?
rushman: nanannanaaa!!!hahaa
"VeryNaughty Mom": i just think you are a rude
little woman with nothing better to do then make empty complaints about
how you have been wronged here
goke: there is a red sign
rushman: thanks for the fun bunny!!!
Very Naughty MG: to hide behind a tourist name
just shows how pathetic you are
"Bunny": yes I did, fair and square
rushman: have to run now!!
"Bunny": bye
Lord HardDriven: Boy do I feel stupid : )
goke: the top left red sign click on it and it
will take you to the object yard :)
"stuff": hey bunny
"stuff": ummm...since you won and all?
"stuff": i mean...the first time
"stuff": hehe
rushman: see ya agian
Very Naughty MG: how would you know who I am
if you arn't a member here
"Bunny": sleep well
Very Naughty MG: ??
rushman: night
goke: bye
rushman: night goke
"stuff": would you mind if i
"stuff": well this may be pathetic
"stuff": give you a victory kiss?
"stuff": hehe
goke: sleep well :)
"Bunny": oh please
Lady Moonstar: goke thank you for keeping the
mids going:)
goke: lol
AAmie o: mom ~ y r u provokink?
"Bunny": where are ya?
goke: can you hear them?
"GrayHawk": hello
"VeryNaughty Mom": there are a lot of lil kids
here that come here and this is a clean world,
Very Naughty MG: and you know what..I don't care
how you findme!!!!!!!
"Bunny": get over here ya big hunk
Very Naughty MG: well...out from this chatlog
will show that I didn't say ONE word to you
"VeryNaughty Mom": no need to over voice oppinions
"stuff": where is who?
"GrayHawk": Bugs are you flirting again?
"Alma": Hello
Very Naughty MG: you started this impersonating
Lord HardDriven: Goke
getoverit: hi goke
goke: yes?
Very Naughty MG: so who is
"stuff": bunny?
"VeryNaughty Mom": no just that im impersonating
you when i am not
Very Naughty MG: Close enough!
"stuff": um...would you mind?
"Bunny": big D?
"stuff": hehe
"GrayHawk": yes
"VeryNaughty Mom": i dont think so
Lord HardDriven: So Goke where is open land?
"Bunny": I thought you were stuff
"stuff": it's worth a shot
goke: did you find it lord?
"stuff": oh ok
"stuff": wooohoo!!!
Lord HardDriven: I found the red sign : )
"GrayHawk": huh?
Lady Moonstar: why are you cursing VN??
goke: youll need to send Jetta an e-mail
Very Naughty MG: you are not worth it and you
are muted!
"stuff": wiat
"stuff": you keep running off
Lord HardDriven: Oh pooh
Very Naughty MG: was I cursing....don't think
"stuff": there ya are
Lord HardDriven: Does Jetta reply quickly?
"stuff": you ready?
"VeryNaughty Mom": my feelings are devistated
"Bunny": I mistook you for someone else
goke: the mailbox is over here
goke: yes
"stuff": oh ok
Lady Moonstar: you will be ejected next time
you curse evan if you use ******** these
Lord HardDriven: Okay thanks
"stuff": stop running would ya?
Lady Moonstar: byhind the word
"GrayHawk": so are we having fun in here?
"Bunny": no kissess
"stuff": i can't be that bad of a kisser
"stuff": *peck*
"stuff": haha
Lord HardDriven: Ejected for astericks man that's
kind of harsh
"stuff": too late
Geronimo: sheesh, does anybody ever get alone
in here?
Geronimo: bye
"Bunny": I'msure your not
Lady Moonstar: hallo geranimo:)
"stuff": congrats
"stuff": hehe
Lady Moonstar: please do no leave
goke: we all did until ...
"VeryNaughty Mom": this is a family place
"Bunny": GH you are a woman
"stuff": i got to kiss her!!!!!
"GrayHawk": bugs you big flirt!!
Lady Moonstar: is only imatur trublemakers that
like do this
"stuff": haha
"Bunny": come protect me
"GrayHawk": opps
"GrayHawk": lol
"GrayHawk": nice butt though!
getoverit: hmmmmm
"Bunny": hehehe
"stuff": i'll leave you alone...
"stuff": i just wanted to say i kissed ya
"stuff": and survived
AAmie o: am I missing something here???
"GrayHawk": stuff
Lady Moonstar: (*(*(*(*(*(*(*(*ROMEO)*)*)**)*)*
"stuff": barely though..
"Bunny": o.k come gimme a big kiss
goke: where is that darn mailbox?
"GrayHawk": dont do it bro she bites
Lady Moonstar: hallo ammie:))
getoverit: *****S********
AAmie o: what the heck is going on??
"stuff": *mmmhhh**
Very Naughty MG: AAmie.......tell me
I allowed to say SH**??????
Lord HardDriven: Yeah where is it Goke?
"stuff": *faints*
Lady Moonstar: goke they now must email gineric
"Bunny": lol
"stuff": woah!
Lady Moonstar: or telagram her
goke: Im looking
"stuff": man...
goke: oh ok
"stuff": *is dizzy*
Lady Moonstar: her email is on the red sign
"Bunny": tht was great
goke: you get that lord?
"stuff": i'll say
"GrayHawk": i have known her for years and she
never kissed me!!
"stuff": *was knocked off his feet and hit the
"Bunny": hi
"stuff": haha
AAmie o: far as I can se there is nothing wrong
with it
"stuff": i'm just an expert thats all
"stuff": but i hit my head
"stuff": ouch!
"GrayHawk": lol
Very Naughty MG: just wanted to get your opinion
"Bunny": gimme a kiss big D
"GrayHawk": no!
"stuff": hey
"stuff": are you just kissing everyone now?
"stuff": *sniff* i thought i was special
"Bunny": thanks alot AF
"GrayHawk": she is a flirt i'm telling you bro
Lord HardDriven: I just see an email for sending
pics LM
"stuff": she suuure is cute though
"stuff": =)
"Bunny": sorry stuff your the one for me
goke: ther bottom one
"stuff": woohoo!
Lady Moonstar: yes lord that is fine:)
"GrayHawk": one word breath mint
"VeryNaughty Mom": good bye everybody !!
* Active Worlds chat session: Thu Oct 15, 1998
15:34 *
"stuff": *is doing his victory dance*
"GrayHawk": ok well two words lol
Lady Moonstar: goodby vn mom:))
Lady Moonstar: take care:)
"stuff": woohoo!
goke: where it has the address
"stuff": watch this spin
goke: by vn :)
"Bunny": gonna go for a quick smoke
"stuff": i got the moves!
"Bunny": brb
"stuff": aw man
"stuff": you smoke?
Lord HardDriven: Okay I'll take your word for
it since you are a PK or whatever they call it here : )
goke: ok bunny
"stuff": aaaa
Lady Moonstar: th??
"VeryNaughty Mom": good bye all nice americans
"GrayHawk": bunny?
Lady Moonstar: will you sing your song for me
"Bunny": yes?
AAmie o: cya :)
Lady Moonstar: rh?:)
"stuff": bunnys shouldn't smoke
"GrayHawk": where r u going?
Lady Moonstar: aamie you leaving?
"Bunny": bunny's shouldn't kiss stuff
"GrayHawk": lol
"stuff": bunnys do though
AAmie o: soon :)
"Bunny": for a quick smoke, can you read?
"GrayHawk": heheheh
"GrayHawk": grrrr
"GrayHawk": dont be rude!
"Bunny": I love you
Lady Moonstar: well i beter hug you now and wish
you a good day
"stuff": i hope your talking about msmoked sausage
"GrayHawk": u better
"Bunny": brb
RogueHawk: Yezzzz?:)
Lady Moonstar: i may no see you leave
"stuff": who do you love?
"Bunny": gimme five
AAmie o: stopped in to find some strange goings
on :(
"Bunny": big D
"stuff": who's big d?
Lady Moonstar: yes i know aamie shes truble
V W o: l0l
Lady Moonstar: she trives on it
AAmie o: Thanx *hugz*
"Bunny": grayhawk
"GrayHawk": stuff you look like fairy when u
do that (no offense)
"Bunny": brb
Lady Moonstar: just blow her off
goke: hi getoverit:)
"stuff": aw man
"Bunny": lol
"Bunny": hehehehe
"stuff": that sucks
"stuff": i kissed her!
AAmie o: I see a lot of other provoking too tho
"stuff": hahaa
getoverit: hi;)) i said hi looooong time ago
Lady Moonstar: aamie she stats it
"stuff": i got farther in 10 seconds than you
did in years
"stuff": i'm good!
Lady Moonstar: never fails
"stuff": you have to admit
goke: sorry I get kind of busy
getoverit: hi Alma
"stuff": lol
"GrayHawk": look at me and tell me i dont look
like one
Lady Moonstar: we are not going to put up with
it any more
AAmie o: maybe so
"Alma": hi getoverit
AAmie o: but
Lady Moonstar: none of us
AAmie o: do we provoke it????
Very Naughty MG: thank you for saying that....this
log will prove you are lying LM
"stuff": i have to look better than you when
i do it
AAmie o: do we make it worse???
"GrayHawk": lol
V W o: how do get?
"GrayHawk": yeah u prance much better
Lady Moonstar: you are welcome VN:)
"GrayHawk": :)
goke: this midis better :)
"GrayHawk": lol stop that!!!
"stuff": you gotto have the steps man
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* Active Worlds chat session: Thu Oct 15, 1998
15:39 *
"Trent": oh cool our love muffins are still here
A l e a: right here Trenty pie :))
(end of chatlog extract)