Weather forecast for AW GZ |
Forecast for week of 11 october to 18 october |
Well, the beginning of the week was
a bit turbulent. A lot of PS-ing on GZ, sometimes two PK's at the time.
And at the end of the week there was a CC# theft attempt. But overall the
atmosphere was kinda quiet. It was different in America, but we're not
forecasting for them....
Number of hours in Public speech : approx. 13 - Number of first warnings : approx. 25 - Number of second warnings : approx. 19 - Number of ejected tourists : approx. 10 - Number of ejected citizens : less than 2 - Overall rating of the coming week : history shows that the pk-corps has a tendancy to use PS more than during the weeks behind us. This won't result in a rise of ejection figures, but more first warnings will be needed to calm the cits that are allergic to bold. - Longer term tendency : Despite locally and temporary irritation showers, GZ stays a good places to dwell. |
This document
maintained by Tripper.
Material Copyright © 1998 Simon Says |