AWWoS N° 5 : Here to Stay. |
Oh, yes...... AWWoS number 5 is out.
And yes it takes time and effort to fill its pages every week. And yes,
there can be found errors in AWWoS. Some typos, some badly spelled words.
And No, AWWoS doesn't have very strict deadlines, neither does it
take everything very seriously. But there's at least one thing that you
can be sure of. AWWoS brings you articles that make you think a little
further, see a little more, laugh a little harder or just a little happier.
Take this issue for instance : There's a story of Ewasx' kb. She reports on her extra-Active-terrestrial escapades, another story will take you on a journey in the mind of the true AW-addict. Again a word of the chief editor that could make waves, a weather forecast that no one else dares to publish, some gossip that was thrown in our lap last week and much more. Dear reader, what could you wish for that's not in your favorite paper : AWWoS ? I know there's some competition : the guardian, and Jammers paper. But if you read those, you'll be surprised that AWWoS brings you news in all the areas. The competition is not able to beat AWWoS where completeness of reporting and depth of opinions is concerned. Oh, yes...they might have an advantage on us. They might wrap their news in a very flashy manner, cheer it up with ads from sponsors. Not AWWoS. The news simple, raw, with an edge, with tongue in cheek or as a lady singer did put it a while ago : "One hand in my pocket and the other one doing a high five". On the other hand, we do have a lot of sympathy for the things that happen in rl with our fellow citizens. The good things and the things nobody wants to happen to others. We put thos things in the paper too. Not for the sensational side of it, we would be sick if we did that. If we publish such things, it comes out of our hearts, to support them or their closest in rl and AW. I know this article will not be the funniest,
best or whatever in this issue. It's not intended to be. Actually it's
meant to say "thanks" and "here you go" at the same time. That's all. If
only one reader, just one, would say something like "yeah, right, i dig"
we are right where we should be...
Simon Says
This document
maintained by trippersays@hotmail.com.
Material Copyright © 1998 Simon Says |