B lends her eyes and senses.
Today i entered the active world called
UVVU, to have an interview with the owner UV. It´s nothing like you
expect a world looks like. One reason is because it´s under construction.
The other reason is that UV has an intresting imagination , wich
he gives form at in this world. I land in a black box with flashing balls
and a green maze, where i get stuck straight away. There is no sound except
my swearing , so i call for UV. Out of nowhere he pops up cheerfull and
friendly as always . We start our interview imidiatly after the common
etiqettes of how are you etc.
(During the interview i wonder why it takes UV
so much time to answer, i ask him if he is building, but soon i find out
that he is destracted by the music of the Beasty Boys hehehe ).
by UV.
UV, 26 years, living in Perth, Australia, has always
been drawn to electronica and computers since he was a little boy. At the
age of 13 years he buys himself a AMSTRAD 464, which he uses to program
some simple games, and spends much of his free time making widgets ,wich
are according to UV " little electronic circuits that blink a light or
go ping". Later he studies Electronic Engeneering. It is many years
later that he connects to internet, to be preciese only a year ago. He
developps an intrest for VR design and 3D graphics and works with VRML
worlds using Sony Community Place, wich is a chat world. Then
he discovers AW worlds and spends heaps of time inhere. First thing he
does is building at a spot on Mars 300N 300W. A place where dinosaur
footprints show you wich way to go. At the spot there are lots of rocks
with inbetween them , drawings made by UV himself. If you click on the
pictures you are able to look at them closer in your browser. The reason
why UV choose for Mars to build first are that he likes the objects and
that he could be K9 (the robot dog from Dr. Who) .Then UV starts a trial
world, where he runs experiments with selfmade textures and objects. And
very soon, after one month, he opens the world UVVU. A place where ppl
gather to try new designs, new textures, new avatars. For UV is creating
a virtual world the ultimate artform. "Because you can create a total environment.
Aw is still primitive, he says, but when we have VR headsets and 1000 megahertz
computers , in like say 3 years, we are able to create enviroments that
will be more intresting than a movie." In the meantime he is concentrating
on learning to use DirectX and Glide, and tries to help and stimulate others
to build and make objects.
Betty B.