AWTeen, a world created by a team of young AW-users opened on Saturday.
"Parented" by Lucrezia Borgia a group worked very hard for Several weeks
on this world. And it shows. It's open to the public for building,
ouside a perimeter of 250 metres each direction from GZ.
The local caretakers are called TCops. At least they didn't choose
for a eufemistic word. The TCops were trained by the PK. I just hope they
trained them in the spirit of vsitors assistance, rather than visitors
I visited GZ and was a bit surprised of all the signs there. |
These signs state very explicitly what is, or
better, what is not allowed and what will make you subject to ejection.
Clear ans simple, full stop.
It could be due to the opening of it, but the TCops were "very"
present there. Your reporter came back to the office, a bit nerveous of
all that bold.
Anyway, the chat was rather friendly and i didn't notice a lot of the
attitude that sometimes makes AW GZ smell like the restrooms of a pub after
a student's party.
Quite a peace of work. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. |