G-Files (3) : Iron Lady Turf : Atlantis |
Atlantis. First time i saw that name on the list, it made
me think of past glory, sunken deep under the oceans surface. Yeah, Atlantis.....
world of dreams and nightmares. Maybe a lot of you don't know it, but it's
the first world where I built something. Way before AWWoS was started.
It's still the world where I have my "Home". I can see a lot of you shake
your heads now or even laugh out loud. But that's the truth. But this series
is about the GZ's, so I'll come to the point.
The Ground of Atlantis isn't made for drunks, tho it seems that the buildings aren't solid anymore. That hurts less, lol. A wood of columns carries the roof above the ground. One may wonder : why a roof ? Shouldn't fish be happy in the water ? And would they feel it if it rained ? Who cares? The overall feeling i get at Atlantis' GZ is that a lot of the visitors there are looking for their travelling partner in AW. The number of question marks there exceeds by far the number of four-letter words on AW's GZ. A lot of new visitors (usully guppies) ask you if you have seen this or that person. So it's a great ground for you, if you have a Florence Nightingale complex. Speaking of four letter words, this ground has always bolds, if a PK is there. This ground is ruled with an iron hand. I only saw lady PK's there, but they're so efficient. Don't you even dare to think of saying something spicy, the first warning is yours already.... Besides a very strict PK-policy, Atlantis is a friendly world. Last time i checked, a bit limited in number of objects to build with, but that's why there's still lots of open spaces. If you ever think of visiting it's GZ, prepare for a rather heavy download. But if you're looking for a friendly and quite environment, it's worth to wait. And, who knows, maybe you'll find Simon Says first building while exploring
......... :)
Simon Says
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maintained by Tripper.
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