Builder or Socializer. |
By Ewasx | I am at a crossroads in my VR life (Yeah, I know but this
is ANOTHER one!)
here in AW. I have been bitten so bad by the building bug that I've become a stranger to most of my good friends here in AW. I'm sure my experience is far from unique. All you folks who have been through this already are, I'm sure, nodding your heads as you read this. However, the experience is unique to me and since my function here at AWWoS is to write about all things related to AW I come across, you'll just have to suffer through it, heheh. Besides, those who have not yet reached this step in their VR lives here need to know that it's not a unique experience and that other, learning builders go through it too. A few days ago, after a particularly frenzied building spell (it lasted for about a week as I recall), I decided to come up for air and see what else is going on in AW. I telegrammed a few ppl and discovered to my shock that they had been continuing their VR lives as usual, with all the good gossip that is accumulated during said lives, but they had given up on telling me because they had not seen or heard from me for weeks! To be sure, there were no hard feelings, just resignation that another of their friends had succumbed to the dreaded "Building Addiction". It woke me up big time! I had been running around the site of my latest building project like a madwoman for weeks, acting like I was on a life or death deadline. Time goes so incredibly fast when I am in the ecstatic throes of an all-consuming building frenzy! It took the realization that my friends were drifting off only because I could not tear myself away from my decadent participation in building self-indulgence. Well, I'm here to announce "No More!". Of course, I'm not saying that I'm giving up on building. Goodness knows that my friends would truely be concerned if I announced that I would no longer be building (besides the fact that, as I've mentioned before, it's an addiction that is not easily ignored). No, what I mean is that it's time for me to impliment some serious time management into my VR life. Building and socialization need to be balanced in such a way that you shouldn't have to reach a crisis point before adjusting to new conditions. After all, this is primarily a high-tech playground, right? Why should play be a source of stress when it should be exactly the opposite? With all the corporate greed, bloodthirsty layoffs (oops, sorry, I mean "Dumb...err...Downsizing"), politicians pulling their carpetbagger tricks, etc that we endure in the RW nowadays, the last thing a person needs is stress from their stress-busting diversions. So I'm here to tell you that I'm a changed woman. I'm NOT going to let an addiction take my VR friends away from me! I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep them close because if it wasn't for my friends here in AW, I'd probably be doing something else on the web now. (Gee, I never thought playing would be so much WORK!) Ewasx
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