Land Grabs. |
By Ewasx | I'm not a prolific builder. I make a place and play around
with it for weeks,
sometimes months, sometimes I never stop changing it (In fact, that's what usually happens). My feelings on covering land that you are not going to use immediately are mixed at best. Guilt sometimes plagues me whenever I cover up land I know I have no building plans for right away but I then think about all of the vast amounts of covered land I've seen in aw & Mars that has not had a thing done to it since the day I joined last spring. In fact, a random right click or two has shown me copy dates back to early 1997! At least my reserved land gets used in a short time compared to the previously mentioned land. Most of the land that I have covered is actually partially used in my two modest communities, one in aw & one in Mars. There's only one totally unused plot I currently possess but it will be used shortly. Knowing that, maybe guilt shouldn't be a big worry for me. But then there's the seemingly endless tracts of grass that I sometimes see when I'm looking for new land to build upon. Who has all this land and what could just one member possibly do with it all? I understand that people like to make communities so all their friends can gather together and build side by side. I love that too and apparently AW has no problem with it because they actually have an AWUniv advanced building class called "Creating a Community" but the amount of area I've seen would fill 50 communities! This question has been asked many times I know but I'm going to ask it again. What can be done about all of the abandoned and mostly empty communities, covered land, junkyard eyesore sites with no activity for well over a year or more? I am not advocating automatic removal of all sites after a certain amount of inactivity. After all, I'm sure most people consider their sites works of art and they expect, no, demand AW to preserve them. I know that's how I feel. The idea I'm advocating is this: A site has been covered for well over a year (Or whatever amount of time AW feels is apropos. The details I'm not concerned about. Just the overall idea) and it is either 1) Covered only 2)Has obviously been abandoned because of partially finished appearance 3)Is an eyesore to all, especially if it appears that it was DESIGNED to be an eyesore (Yes, that's a reality in AW too I'm afraid). I'm not even advocating automatic deletion. A telegram to the builder, informing them that it's come to the attention of AW that their site has been unused for (Enter amount of time that AW has decided upon) and would they be interested in relinquishing said plot? Or if the site meets all suggested criteria and it's discovered that the builder no longer is a member, why keep it? If it's only covered, obviously not complete or a definite eyesore, give it back so someone can put it to good use. Now I'm not privy to AW's databases so this idea could be a moot point. Obviously if there's still a great amount of land left unclaimed we wouldn't need to do this, however, there is the issue of eyesores, unintended or deliberate, that really downgrade the overall looks of neighborhoods. I have a friend and building partner with a very nice looking place that has a site recently built next to it that fits the deliberate eyesore catagory. She asked the builder if it was supposed to look like that and he immediately went VR postal. Now her and I are considering some solutions involving animate panels and...well, you get the picture (And believe me, they will too!) : ). Ewasx |
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