The Active Worlds Watch on Sunday
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A few considerations :

1. Depending on the nature of your reaction, we will need a valid e-mail address. The one we'll use is the one that you filled in above. The mentioned reactions are indicated with an asterisk (*). If you don't fill in a valid e-mail address for a reaction which requires one, your reaction will end up in our trash can. 

2. The e-mail address you provide us with, will only be used for communication directly related to your reaction. So you'll have to fill it in each time you post a reaction. 

3. There is no "for your eyes only option" in this form. So if your communication is personal, please send it to the specific person via your usual mail-program.

4. Finally, all the info sent via this feedback facility (except for the subscribe/unsubscribe option) can, but will not always, be used in a publication of AWWoS. 

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Thank you for your contribution.