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Dirty Laundry : ban them...... 

1.Ban them....
2. ...if it are bannings 
3. The solution...
1.  You know, this banning and blocking it ain't so bad. After all, the banned users were bad for business. Probably hardly gonna buy something online..... 

2. I'm not sure it are bannings and blocks.. probably some ISP's just playing a game. By the way go test it for yourself. Maybe Xavworld is still holding that Telethon. 

3.  It seems that some people are trying to influence the AWLD share price. Maybe they could hire some caretakers from America (the world) in @mart....

 <:3 The Rat in the Laundromat
Any resemblance to real AW-citizens and/or situations might be purely coincidental.


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Material Copyright © 1998 Simon Says